
Yeah, I really hope Coach B can bounce back. It sounds like he’s really suffered. You fucking moron.

Will you be more surprised if it’s true or if he’s just making it up? I really can’t decide. This election finally broke me, I think.

But he didn’t sound coherent, he sounded like only two people I’ve ever heard before. Donald Trump and the letter Donald Trump’s doctor “wrote”.

Interesting by whose standards?


But what about the Mazel Tov cocktails? Huh? Did you think about that?

Of course the white people being made to feel like this were already largely allies to the minority communities and the racist/fascist shitbags threatening the reporters are the same ones making you feel uncomfortable when you have to deal with them, but I guess somehow that’s a win? Equality because things got worse

It’s different when you get to Charlotte and Raleigh (which is of course why they severely restricted early voting in both those cities. I’ve heard the early voting returns are favorable for Clinton, so I’m hopeful, but I share your concern.

I think he’s just talking about it being much better to work at Starbucks than Walmart, McDonalds, etc. (i.e. the other options for low wage employment). Do you disagree?

Now playing

I’m talking about how he ducked every real fighter and picked Matt Cooke. It’s a perfect correlation to what Dorsett did here, punching down to a middle weight when Martin was more than willing and is a fair match. Moore thought he could cheapshot a legit superstar and beloved team captain and then fight Matt Cooke

I used to come up with clever ones, then eventually lose the password. Now I don’t even bother trying.

In SC, he probably goes to a gun show.

He’s pretty clear about what he’s offering, and people that care about politics find it useful and usually pretty accurate (not as a predictor 1.25 years ahead of the election like Novak is looking for, but rather as a good idea of where things stand now). There are all sorts of valid criticisms people can make if

Ha! Thanks for the PSA.

Voting third party in a US election is simply saying “you people figure it out while I stand over here and pat myself on the back.”

stay away from wildlife refuges, particularly outside of their normal business hours.

Thank your family for doing the right thing. Trust that when Kanye runs as the Democratic nominee in 2020 or 2024, I’ll return the favor.

Yeah, but his percentage among Republicans has been improving in polling as we get closer to election day, so I’m scared to rely on republicans finally putting country over party.

He actually doesn’t say he’s in the business of statistical analysis either, he just says he analyzes polling.

Have you read anything from 538 more recent than August of last year?