
@Guild_Navigator: True that. If they ARE doing a Diablo mmo though, doubtful the "announcement" would be Diablo related. But then there's the website (url) shenanigans (diablo3.com).

Well... not sure about the "splash" announcement, but it would seem there is definitely an mmo about to ramp into production. Game listed as "TOP SECRET", but the Blizz employment section is looking for (among many others) a senior 3D level designer...

lol - I'll take a price gouged GTR any day. (if nothing but for the instrumentation - Polyphony Digital I tell you!!!)

Yeah... gotta say.. when I think "new car," the following thought is 99.99% not going to be "OOOooooo!!!! Let's hit the Pontiac dealer!!!"

There will be a 3rd rune tomorrow. The 2nd appeared today.

I'm betting on Diablo 3. "Hell freezes over" (or similar) would fit right in with other cheesy Blizz announcement slogans. SC2 was "Hell, it's about time."

Wow. I've never lost respect for a car company due to camouflage... till now.

Build cars in Detroit?! GENIUS!!

Overall, it's shaped a bit like an old RX-7 (late 80's), even a little Supra-ish maybe.

I must be getting old and jaded. Lame imo. (and not very funny)

@BigPanda: You, sir, are the winner of the internetz today. Nice memory/dedication. Wow.

@LTDScott, Porcubimmer pilot: Gotcha, and thanks.. but, it seems like most of the aforementioned photographed (then blurred) license plates are also on public streets.

OMG!! - a license plate shot in the media not blurred out!!

@RageKage: THAT would make a great tattoo that any ink monkey could accomplish.

Hideo - doesn't rhyme with video. :D

If that was an original cabinet - they just shredded a potential suitcase of cash.

".... smokin' endo - sippin' on gin and juice."

I saw some Starcraft: Ghost footage once.

Last I was there, it was a pretty nice giant upscale club called - ironically - Home.

@ethermal: Totally agree. Especially with my woman. It's as if they need something else to focus on besides driving, which then becomes 2nd or 3rd on the priority list.