
LOL! Are those 22's?! On a Bimmer?!

Unpossible. Seems like this guy just needs a good ass-kickin'. (no - not a NASCAR fan) ;)

Home pushed back a year +, new subscription based "demo" mag kicking off day after tomorrow.

Everything but the kitchen cinque?

This is maybe one of the coolest cars I have ever seen. I'll have mine in black. No... too "Batmobile"... silver?! YEAH.. with rivets... All DC-3 retro mod lookin'!!

*puts down ps3 hoagie

They should do this here for school zones. Speed anywhere but a friggin' school zone. Idiots.

This car is visually inferior in every way to the 7's. (imo)

Dubs and spinners are unique and make you look cool!!

Great... road/tire noise. (?)

I don't like the tail enough to not buy one. The '05's ('04 through '07?) rear is MUCH more attractive.

Stun runner WAS hawt. As mentioned, Hard Drivin' and Race Drivin'. That whole Atari polygon-fill group was tons o' fun. Too.... many... quarters lost.

"I generally love watching Fox News, if only because watching it is not nearly as mindnumbing as subjecting yourself to those "There's the week, there's the weekend, and then there's the day when I would rather listen to Celine Dion in hell than watch this commercial again and that day came a LONG TIME AGO" New York

I'm sorry... can't get over it. Jazz is a friggin' Porsche. A Martini Racing 935 Turbo Porsche.

LOL - "whatcha in for?" - "65 in a 35"

My voice activated dialing works great on my 3 year old Nokia (bluetooth headset - one button push). This concept seems silly. Took me 2 tries the first time I used it - flawless since.

Steam bent, hand stitched, wood rimmed - PHOOEY!!!! How FAST does it go!?

Fastest gawddamn trip to Sam's/Costco EVAH!!!!

Hands down - the most beautiful piece of machinery I've ever seen.