
As someone who lives in the LA area and has spent a fair share dealing with members of the lowest-of-the-low amateur entertainers, these are *exactly* the kind of people who populate LA. Maybe not the guy writing for Vanity Fair, but most everyone else.

File that under the category: Last Resort for $500, Alex.

So when space archaeologists uncover this 50,000 years in the future, it will go down in space history textbooks as a colony of nomadic sand people, forever fleeing the scourge of technology. Also racists.

Scrawl, you're still alive! I don't think I've seen you since the crossover…and definitely not on the new, bastardized TI.

"I don't need to bless myself," - Harvey Weinstein

Buckaroo Banzai Against the World Crime League

Honestly, Bad Lieutenant should be an unofficial series, where a notable director teams up with a notable city and refashions the original through both their personal lens and the filter of the city.

Me so solly!
(pulls rope that lifts fake shirt up-and-down)



"Used to" are operative words. Like it's been mentioned before, this works well for standard articles and reviews, but is a clusterfuck for any mass congregation of users, like on Breaking Bad or Community reviews, or our beloved TI.

Do another soon! I'd love to share a pint with you lot.

I'll have to come to the next one. People tell me I have hands like a girl!

I was disappointed to read that it was screened in Orange County and I was not notified.


If you're lucky it'll all go straight to your dik.

That's why I always sleep on stiff, wooden board.

They're only dead if you look to confirm.

Or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the New Disqussion Format

Unless they're dead.