
Stark School of Art & Design vs University of Westeros - Lannister

That pig has some powerful friends.

I like where that picture is going……

Wow, Woody keeps snoozing in titles.

The government shutdown hinges on this question.

Note the singular usage of "movie."

Do not disparage O'Neal. He is no mortal, he is the infinite chasm of time and space itself.

Friday always comes too late.

I'm just gonna state it: I've never gotten Pearl Jam. I've listened to all their stuff up through 2005. "Betterman" is a cool tune. "Man of the Hour" is pretty good too. I don't mind "Black" either. But it's just passive rock, to me; very paint-by-numbers stuff, music that puts me to sleep. And Eddie Vedder

Read in the voice of young Alvy Singer listening to family friend "Joey Nickels."

At first I thought the "Enslaver" comment was an O'Nealism. Then I read the article.

Mods were a hero to most but they never meant shit to me.

I just want a 22 hour DVD of him and David Bordwell talking cinema and using clips and shot-by-shot analysis.

The universe just gave my Christmas list a blowjob.

With you right there.  I haven't been on top of my finances in the past few months, plus I've had some major expenditures (car, health, etc.) to ding be back a grand or so.  Need to maximize cash flow.

I've developed crushes on AVC ladies before, but never on roommates on AVC ladies' roommates.  This has changed.

They'd get along with a car I saw in LA once, with the license plate: "TOPNAZI"

My car gets 40 rods to the hogshead and that's the way I likes it.

