
Couple years ago I was on Cipro….felt like I had the flu on it.  What ended up saving me was a healthy diet of mashed potatos or oatmeal before any meal. Helped coat my stomach and I didn't feel *quite* as bad.

If I didn't have rehearsal, I'd highly consider driving up from Orange County.

No immediate question, but rather a salutation for ending your hiatus.

@avclub-e5e75678d9346d88878b7c95b97eac68:disqus make me a picture of Miles with a black turban and a long white beard and I'll post it.

Sorry, this isn't MSNBC.

He's more like Bruce Dern at the end of Coming Home.

"Obvious Child" anyone?

The toilet was actually a drain pipe in an adjoining alley.

The movie definitely plays as if it's geared toward modern teenagers with a mild interest in punk, so they can go and squeal over seeing interpretations of The Ramones and Television, and then maybe learn who the Talking Heads are.

Punk's dead, go home.

The film is terrible at showcasing CB's timeline.  It ends at some point in the 80s (I think…I'm still not sure), after a climax that isn't really a climax.

It's 24 Hour Party People without the cheek, and pleasant Coogan-ery.

Correction: Into the Woods is a quite a great musical that is unfortunately done poorly 98% of the time (and for the record, I have not seen the 2% that I'm assuming could be good).

Cherry Vanilla Cumberbatch Zero

After 2 hours with Stanton, you'd just dry up and need some extra lube.  No, Plummer wins this round.

I usually hate films now that like to deconstruct its linearity, but Beginners is a notable exception.  It's a beautiful, amazing film that shows you can do good work even within narratives that have been done to death.

Don't care how long you had.  You made good use of your time, and I've always gotten the impression that Mr. Plummer is a gregarious fellow.  I can only hope to be that old one day with both the candor and humor he maintains.

Maybe I've been away from the past seasons too long, but have we seen the "friend" who accompanied April to Toby's soccer game, slyly suggesting she leave Kenny?  Terrible though our protagonist is, I was most enthused at his comeback simply so we could cut to her and her husband, visibly upset, at Kenny reasserting

That shit's algebraic.

That has to be one of my all-time favorite scenes in this series.