
But I wish he had also covered directors who had actually fought in WW2, a la Sam Fuller, and how it affected their later theatrical careers.


I wouldn't be opposed to Samantha being revoiced with other Joaquin Phoenix roles.

We have really stupid, shitty taste.

We're not calling it Twin Peaks anymore?

That line. Right there. The movie could simply be 90 minutes of that,

These are so stupid they're amazing.

From an actual former-Russian Orthodox adherent.

Now we can't hope for the chandler spin-off Friday Night Vespers.


Well, Meers, the true villain, is proven to be a white woman disguising herself, and her two Chinese flunkies are actually good guys who help expose her. If they cast two Chinese-American actors and a then really sold Meers as evil, and not just obnoxiously vile, it could potentially work.

I'd argue that "Little Lamb" at least serves a purpose in the story, whereas "Goldstone" is just a stupid celebration number that doesn't illuminate the characters much is comedic for comedy's sake. Bad comedy, at that.

Most of the shows mentioned wouldn't pass what the network would desire — family audiences. Even Gypsy is about a stripper.

The hiss was from the zamboni on the ice rink downstairs.

Diverse casting can allow for ethnic kiss audience cues!

There's always one awful song in every Sondheim show. You nailed that one.

Putting Foster back into a live broadcast of Millie would be perfect synergy, since she's on the cusp of television stardom, Millie's a perfect live broadcast vehicle, and it could work rather well.

I contend the 2006 revival was superior — the 2011 version, while loaded with good people on stage, was just far too dry in the urgency department.

Neko Case?

Yes, in part, but visual imagery does not a competent show make. Many of these images, while stunning, carry no weight, no gravitas, and are thus delivered in a void.