
"Tramps like us, we were born to pay."

Especially as a prelude to De Niro and Pesci kicking the shit out of Billy Batts.

Funny, I love the album, and everything in that song, but HATE, HATE, HATE, HATE that spoken word part.

Congrats!  Make sure your missus doesn't eat it.  I've heard that's common.

Can you dance like Molly Ringwald in The Breakfast Club next?  I might fall in love with you.

Lambic pentameter.

Congratulations!  Two question about both once and future professions: 1) What kinds of films did/do you focus on producing? And, 2) What types of beer will you be focusing on producing (Belgian, Stout, IPA, etc.)?

Especially if said in the voice of George Costanza.

If it sounds fast-paced and vocally taxing, it's porn, but if it sounds faint and like a Viking slave boat beating the timpani to shore, I know it's my married roommates.

Initially I thought they were talking about the co-anchor for The Today Show, because I'm really a middle-aged housewife on the inside.

I got tired of Spader five seconds into rewatching films from the 1980s.  I honestly don't get the appeal.

If they wanted it to be onomatopoeic, they should've called themselves "The Crzsyzhstshch."

Another list from The A.V. Club.

I love Bad as much as the next meth head, but, fuck, after watching the last two weeks of Boardwalk, no, this is one's probably the best-looking, better written, and just plain one of the best shows on TV right now.

Baron Samedi by the season finale!

Of all things, the biggest Vince Gilligan "fuck you" in this episode was when "Guest Starring Steven Michael Quezada" rolled up onscreen while the fuckers stepped all over/around his body.

Jessie-Theon's gonna have a meth explosion blow his balls off.

Fuck you.

Queer studies, Uta Hagen, Peter Gabriel, Soundgarden, a myriad of great directors, and bold statements about the nature of cinema and cinematic structure?  This is a gold mine, and another gem interview.

Stand up comedy has its own special dispensation in regards to notable usages of "fuck."