
Any character in the Sopranos, uttering "Fuck" in a goomba accent, usually followed by, "you, you fuckin' whooooo-aaaaaaaaaar."

The A.V. Club
You guys have been really generous and nice to us over the years, on all of our stuff.

That's pretty brave of him to admit.  Most guys (if most guys are at least remotely similar to me), but jump at the chance (then again, I'm a late bloomer, so the prospect of it is still very exciting for me).  But good on him either way.  As long as he's not an entitled ass, that is.

In the last month my online dating has skyrocketed.  I've gone out with six people, have been in communication consistently with another, and am set for a date with a seventh tomorrow.  Not all of them have led to anything of course, but it's sometimes nice to just hang out and get to know a new person and, for me at

One of my bosses refers to Asians as orientals.  He's in his mid-40s.

I wouldn't call it bad news.  Not getting sex can be a bummer, but it also shouldn't be call for concern, as if it was an expectation.  It's just something you roll with.

Izzy's in Santa Monica?  Where we can meet and act like Larry David pretending to far more observantly Jewish than usual?

Watch out, @avclub-d4c5630db0ec3444ec43c0982a9e83d3:disqus is cleverly using "peanut M&Ms" as a substitute for the FLESH OF MAN.

I brought my own mic!

That's why I refuse to call Catherine anything but Genevieve Kosko and AA anything but Keith Phipps (or Scott Tobias, I can't remember which one I decided).

His name here on out is DeNorris.

They just wrapped up their 10th season.  I love watching it every week, namely for its frequently great selection of guests and the new rules, where Maher is strongest.  Outside of new rules, Maher is insufferable on his own, not just for his smug bigotry, but for denigrating ideas I agree with on the basis of his own

That has "God didn't make Adam and Steve" homophobia written all over it.

That's very true, although, to be fair, he's generally a bigot towards anyone who's not him.

Everyone be quiet, I came here to see the "I didn't do it" boy.

I'm positive most, if not all, celebrities who claimed some variation of "9/11 conversion" did so only in the narcissistic vein of trying to "adapt" to a new climate and get adequate face time.  If the Nazis marched down Flatbush Avenue in 1943, these guys would've been making cracks about FDR's wheelchair if it got

Correction: Maher got substantially better.  He's still a blowhard, but better in biting commentary.



Didn't they release this on Criterion a year ago?