
Home Simpson smiling politely.

Oh, so now it's dumb.

Long line in a history of them:

My favorite Paris Hilton movie quote came from one for House of Wax: "Hilton meets her filmic demise in exactly the same way she lived: on her knees, with a pole rammed through her face.”


How were you 11 when you first saw Aqua Teen?  Unless you're now 23, in which case, I'm far too old, and far too much a failure already.  Good job AV Club, delivering your readers with the bated pangs of our cold, damning mortality coupled with our fading legacies set against the sands of time, slowly eating away the

Oh, about 160 pounds.

I think the biggest issue with some of these suggestions, both by the writers and the commenters, is the adherence to the text themselves.  People complain about movies that don't get close enough to the book, so can you imagine how nuts people would go if a TV series went a different direction?  GOT has had moments

Yeah, I think that's something actually in the pipeline, not totally unlike Agents of SHIELD.

I'm actually friends with his daughter and he's one of the coolest guys I've ever met.  We talked about our mutual love for ESPN's "30 For 30" series.

Have any trailers from the past 4-5 years actually used voiceovers (save for maybe the occasional animated children's fare, and one or two comedies)?

To that point, To the Wonder is the best David Gordon Green film David Gordon Green never made.

Random!  Roles!  Random!  Roles!

Day job is clerical work for crate-manufacturing warehouse, night work is theatrical stage manager / wannabe tech / general layabout / someone with no firm foundation on where he's going in life.

Same here, Lurky.  I'm a bit surprised there haven't been more admissions.

Reiterating what @avclub-d542a3419c3ad57206a96bcc86155ebc:disqus and @avclub-84ca205fe6bc691c41c3bfe5a2820a15:disqus said: I get a shit ton of wax in there too.  I went swimming a few weeks ago and my right ear was clogged for a couple days.  I use Debrox too — but you gotta use once a day for a couple days, since

I bought a shirt from Goodwill that said: "RMS TItanic: Built by Irishmen, Sunk by an Englishman."

Can I get in on this bachelor action?  Just to be the snarky asshole who doesn't expect to win Hat's heart, but wants to provide ribald commentary about all the other guys?

So sorry, @avclub-21a8615938a206d4311a58a53ad8890e:disqus — channel your fury and loss into a steaming shit for Walsh.  From all of us.

As a ginger, I support this statement.