
I get bored by the third time they say "lucky."


At least it didn't say "SLUGGO"

Is there, like, a whole, hangout-outside-school thing going on I'm not privy to?

Everyone's giving specific films, but I'll go the auteur route — check out what you can by: Howard Hawks, Hitchock (duh), Jean Vigo, Frank Capra, Chaplin, Fritz Lang, William Wyler, Billy Wilder, Buster Keaton, and Akira Kurosawa

This is an economic art piece about the prevalence of art and humanities majors in school with few prevalent jobs in those actual fields!

Condolences.  In the fictional world of your husband, I would implore regeneration, and he would comply.

Went to my buddy's wedding last week on a boat, so of course I dressed as a yacht captain in a makeshift suit:

Same here with the complete sentences and actual attempts at vocabulary. Also, clear and concise communication about what you're interested in, what you're looking for (whether a relationship or casual dating or, hey, I'm sure hookups happen), but in a polite and proper manner.

Yeah, like watch Netflix?

@avclub-a1967e6de4ca99fb2635d94b99453928:disqus can I ask how tall you are?  I'm almost 6'4'' and, until I was 24, could barely get above 135, even with weight-lifting, eating a shit-ton, protein shakes, etc.  Now I'm about 155, which is better, but I still look like an albino Sudanese refugee.

Ah, what the MPDG concept has wrought on the minds of desperate, angsty men.

(Unzips fly)

Hey, I call vaginas dancefloors too!

Did she get your nuts off?

^(straightens tie, checks hair, lifts up bouquet of flowers, rings doorbell)

(Looks at Paul Schaeffer)

Happy burthday, mutt!

Congratulations, @ganews:disqus !  One of my oldest friend's and his girlfriend got hitched this last weekend, so it seems to be going around (And it was on a boat and I wore a yacht captain costume. It was glorious.).

We want Dik!  We want Dik!  We want Dik!