
The A.V. Club:

It's gonna save Jokerfan a lot of time, and us a lot of trouble, if we just tell him Heller's a lesbian.

It was a very small group of people.  And almost all Midwest/East Coasters.

"Rex Red Is Unfuckable From Start to Finish."— Rex Reed's wife who left 20 minutes into it.

I went on OKC last night on a lark and decided to do a mass, world-wide search for anyone who listed "The AV Club" in their profile, just to see what I would find.  I was disappointed.

Never depressing; we're always here for support (with or without unrequested snark). Keep going, stay safe, good luck.

Happy birthday, you amazing trio of tits!

He's not racist, he's raisist!

My buddy and I enjoyed some fine Gentleman Jack on the Fourth last week with Mr. Tom Wilson.  Smooth.  Smooth as always.

The Complete Works of Zoey Deschanel, Unabridged

Powell & Pressburger's The Red Shoes

Dollars to donuts they made it specific ships *just* to avoid that song.

*flying double-sided mirror flies down, traps @avclub-6ffc79f9decf633c29b09e6c25621195:disqus *


I'm glad someone else posted this in this thread — was thinking the same thing, and it's a beautiful video.

Limey is nothing short of amazing, possibly my favorite Soderbergh, and just a great film in general.  It's like Hardcore but not stupid.

Salo is daring on a visceral, can't-watch level, but Teorema is a pure indictment on its audience, a philosophical boil of our own minds.

This plays at an interesting motive possibly behind TURISTA: it was a power-play role that she did not get to observe as the emotionally dominant; she wished he had gotten all emotional simply so she could maintain superiority but when he beat her to the punch, all of a sudden she had to contend with a mix of thoughts

More like "How'd you like to insert my fortune into your cookie?"

Orange you glad he didn't say vagina?