
I hate Aaron Sorkin, but he did create a pretty badass president in Jed Bartlett.

My sources say no.

…..Here's a little trick I learned in the C.I.A…….

The thing is, Dick Whitman wasn't a whole lot better person than Don Draper, and he's probably going to realize no matter who he calls himself, it's still the same guy making the same choices.  I anticipate now there's going to be all the fallout from his attempts to go "clean" — after all, the universe is just going

Welcome to the last five years.

I have a suspicion (at least I hope) that Season 7 is going to be about how the convoluted search for redemption, the desire to actually do the right thing while the world spins on, not caring in the least bit.  I doubt Weiner will want to go full-Sopranos and make everything about the cyclical nature of human

I have a suspicion (at least I hope) that Season 7 is going to be about how the convoluted search for redemption, the desire to actually do the right thing while the world spins on, not caring in the least bit.  I doubt Weiner will want to go full-Sopranos and make everything about the cyclical nature of human

It wasn't peace Don got in The Suitcase, it was a signpost.

I'm still expecting the whole duality thing to be a manifestation of Don's latent homosexuality which has took up residence in Bob Benson, his alter ego.

HAH, Harry Crane.

And Matt Weiner will insist it's all there, and eventually make a movie about his childhood starrring John Hamm and a year later Hamm will die of a heart attack.

Happy birthday, big beef.

@avclub-ae1846aa63a2c9a5b1d528b1a1d507f7:disqus if you can't laugh with your partner during sex, you're with the wrong partner.

Yeah we're gonna need more details.

Juxtapose it with images of the Vietnam War and Karen Carpenter getting skinnier.

@avclub-8288999e960ebe6aca280a2c31f5645b:disqus WHAT CYPHER SAID, "THIS WILL BE OUR YEAR"

Have a great time at your couples therapy!

They're called Sexas.

This pud's for you.

It's like they're reading our minds.