
SILENCE!  He is Vago! You are like the buzzing of flies to him!

"Would you like to install the Opera! Browser for free and make it your default browser?"


You can have a corporate tie-in campaign "Welcome to Nerf."

Her first words upon his crowning was "Welcome to berth."

ID 4 2 The Streets

They just found a new way to dispatch the Brent Spiner scientist character…..

John Lennon did until 1980.

Don't make me think of a better version of Part III, with no Andy Garcia or Sofia Coppola.

Yeah, I, for one, would also be intrigued as to his whole demeanor throughout.  There are moments of joviality followed by moments of…….concern.

HEY!  I confessed internet love to Ann before you were even a blip on the scene!

"Sleepwalk" is so fucking perfect.  Any of those dreamy, transcendent 50's/60's tunes do a lot with a little.

Can never go wrong with that song.  Plus "Season of the Shark."

This isn't a song, I just want to relay my favorite funeral anecdote:

If I was cremated alive, it'd be the perfect time to shout the line, "Is it getting hot in here, or is it just me?"

By the end of the song, the rotating fan in the funeral home would look like the rotating propellers of a helicopter.

Armstrong's "Stardust"

Is it me or is that song a slight rip-off of "The Candy Man" from Willy Wonka?

Ding Dong the Witch is Dead, only if it's the Fifth Estate cover version.

My Death is an incredibly sexual song that doesn't pertain completely to the finality of death.  More fun would be Scott Walker's cover of Brel's "Funeral Tango."