Songs about casual rape are the best songs about casual rape.
Songs about casual rape are the best songs about casual rape.
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When I was a kid I was afraid of everything; butterflies scared me until I was 10, and I had a visceral, violent fear of all dogs until I was around 21. When I started driving, I was scared of driving the freeway, and how ridiculously fast it all seemed. Up until a year after I graduated college, you could easily…
Leave Levus far beezus.
Wonder-Twin Powers Activate! Form of: Guilt!
"Gelato sounds an awful lot like fellatio" is a rare pickup line that deserves satisfaction.
Violently crying, too, hopefully.
The fun story would be you guys all realized you were dating at an orgy. Then again, Dikachu isn't here so….
@avclub-ce6b16ea4102dc4408c8dc202e7336c0:disqus That's called undergraduate/graduate theater programs.
And Maxwell's doesn't get some "Save Our Club" festival or some shit?
Real estate, dude. That's Jewish territory.
Coming of age in this period, I never listened to this dreck, but I remember being really fascinated with the Making the Band docu-series that aired on TGIF around then, all the politics and bullshit that was caked over with Survivoresque competition.
Don't quote shitty Simpsons.
It's a Perlman/Pearlman double feature on the AVC today.
Rose, I'm feeling older.
-Any special system you wanna go to, Chewie?
This whole galaxy's just one big Sarlacc, just waiting to get fucked.
We're all trying to kill you.
Riget is so fucking righteous I can't even……