
Vehicular manslaughter is still a misdemeanor compared to the capital punishment sentence given to "Citizen Soldier."

Low self-esteem sex is the best sex.

Not me!  I only cheat on my wife!

But he's a "nice guy!"

My 17 yr-old brother has chosen to major in advertising in college, in hopes of rising the ranks and becoming Roger Sterling, sitting around meetings and offering dry sarcasm at underlings.

He's in two scenes and has maybe 3 lines of dialogue all episode, but Roger Sterling continues to own every centimeter of screen space with his wry and unnecessary remarks, especially in the first board meeting.

Harry Crane: Men's Rights Advocate Grand Poobah.

I'm now operating on the assumption that House Tyrell carries the Simpsons gene: all the men are dumb and base creatures, while the women rise to prominent commands with both wit, cunning, and grace.

Dick Haus.

Go into the fucking kitchen and GET ME MY BIG PIECE OF CHICKEN!


wanna cook meth?


Complete agreement.  Empire is one of the greatest gifts given to existence and the greatest thing John Williams ever composed — New Hope was just always the primer for bigger and better things.

Aw, lil' Jason Heller, our little rock star.

Anyone moderate fanboy who doesn't say the Star Wars: A New Hope soundtrack is just plain lying.

Still a fucking underrated gems.


If he's ever out of work, he should record books-on-tape.  I could listen to him for hours.

This interview was read in 100% Hank Dahlworth snark.