

The Faces version, forever and ever.

NOW!: That's What I Call Racism

He is the terror that flaps in the night, he is the termite that devours your floorboards, he is the surprise in your cereal box, he is the batteries that are not included, he is the wrong number that wakes you up at 3AM, he is the smoke that smokes smoked oysters.

"Hey, why don't us whitey transcontinental railroad builders just get Asian workers to take over for black workers?  Then when black workers attack them for taking labor jobs, we can shame them for hypocritically leaving cushy plantation jobs." @avclub-baf3d07b0caa2a06ac0a87695a35610e:disqus's great-great-great

I need to see all these films immediately.


French-Canadian critics be all like zou-bisou-bisou.

My nickname for him will be Keith Phipps.

Well, in that case……send me pictures for my butt wall?

We have to, 'cuz almost no one in our regular life will.

Close the windows.  I don't wanna see your zit-covered ass.

Get it.  By force if necessary.

Fire everyone and hire us!

Steel your fists and rage into it, the dark stuff and all.  Your big project may actually be a hidden gem for you, as it might help you invest your emotional energy away from the family drama and into something you can see productive, tangible results.

Those are the best days.

Surprise to Ms Buzz has been spoiled.  But many years to you two.

I hate almost every Superman film, and hate Zach Snyder.  But fuck I'm a little excited for this new one.

You are a king among men, sir.

She's looking at job security.