
@avclub-c156902f5b20b572848be18c11634dfb:disqus at the juncture in my life, I would totally marry you and not even sign a prenup.  You get to take me to the cleaners in the subsequent divorce.  But, joke's on you; I have nothing and am a starving artist!

I actually really like "Violent Side."

@avclub-29501df08e5d9ae59e432e4f188d3735:disqus that's the only way I get off!

@Dikachu:disqus funny thing about the location of your "nose"…..

Move to California and marry me.

Perfect way to put it.  For me, I'll sometimes get into something that has a huge fanbase only to say, "That's it?"  Kind of what happened with me and Firefly, which is a show I do wholly enjoy and feel it was cut off before becoming brilliant, but it's far from the second coming.

Pshaw, everyone knows Shutter Island is the thinking man's Inception.

Fuck, "Neighborhood Bully" is atrocious.  But "Don't Fall Apart on Me Tonight" absolves all wrong doings on that album.

Friends don't let friends embrace geek chic.

I'm not big on those three albums, but "Property of Jesus" is actually pretty good, if you can get past the goofy lyrics.

You know what it is, so you've already lost.

Shut up, Trans is great.

Sort of same here — I've seen the films and find them tolerable enough (the last 4 are nothing but montages, but Goblet of Fire is a fucking masterpiece and a seriously underrated stand-alone film in its own right), and I really don't care whether people like the books or not, I just don't plan on ever sitting down

Why, that's the barrister arriving to check in on Bates.  And yet, he will make eyes for Mary and upset the balance of order on the estate.

Extra Lens/Extra Glens.

SOLIDARITY, brother (or sister).

Fuckin' 'Mer'ca: 24 Electric Chair Moments on TV That Make You Come Red, White, & Blue

Mommy and Daddy are breaking up!  It's all because of me!

Let it be their test-i-mony.

I always thought Piven looked more like Charlie Kelly in those images.