
@JudgeReinhold:disqus one time a woman wrote to me asking what music I liked and I responded, "Anyone who doesn't like the Beatles in Un-American." And she got all uppity, trying to give me a geography lesson with a map of where England is.

@avclub-6a2ec3076bb494e5c64eb1a422d9fe3d:disqus you're my virtual life coach

@avclub-6c6094f256f51e83fe02bce6091163e7:disqus omits the part where Sam Raimi molested him, silhouetted by James Garner having a heart-to-heart with Tobey McGuire

These are the greatest stories ever.  The fuck am I doing in southern California?

Supremely great collection.  To wit:

My work-day album playlist:

Fan of Rand?

The only bad album they put out was the one with Ray J. Johnson.  Ugh, that was funny for about three seconds.

"I suspect Boylan saw his work on The Yellow Album as not terribly dissimilar from his work on Chipmunks. They were both novelty joke albums for children; one just happened to be a spin-off of one of Western civilization’s premier accomplishments."

Don't know if you've noticed but, your name is on a lot of quotes in this book.

How funny would it be if this was actually intended as a private company endeavor to entrap and arrest New Orleans pedophiles, that magically backfired when it went viral?

Afterwards you two can snuggle while torrenting the next episode.

It'll be their 6:00 Comedy Classic Sandwich: Dog/Blog at 6, iRob at 6:30, and another Dog/Blog at 7.

I've actually witnessed small bits of DogTV (thanks to a roommate who wanted to try it out to see if it actually helped our dogs).  Half the programming literally is wilderness shots and city-acclimating sounds with tags in between where you can faintly here a child's voice "Good doggie!  What a good doggie!"  It's

Our two puppies are deathly frightened of children.  One time, we passed a wall banner advocating early child development education, featuring life-size kids standing.  Spook our dogs something fierce and the wouldn't stop barking at the paper-thin banner.

He's also got a hard-on for Zulkey.

And, hey, how 'bout that nutty Star Wars bar?  Can you forget all the creatures in there?

His name is Leonard Pierce.

An overlooked, but fantastic, little scene at the beginning comments on the increase in coffee shop purchases, as opposed simply to in-office percolators and, even more so, alcoholic imbibing.  The only people you ever see drinking on the job now are the old-guard higher-ups, and usually in private.  Great touch that

It was entirely set up for the line during the photo shoot: "Just tell us who you are."