
And being ginger myself, I'd fit right in…

In other news the eXistenz app is being sued by David Cronenberg for degrading his filmography to the level of perverse sexual exploration.

Kinder, smarter, funnier, not an Xbox Live chatroom, there are multiple reasons AVC outpaces Cracked.

A grave omission: Home Alone's Buzz McCallister:

It's spelled 'Moops.'

Man, I still have the VHS with that episode.

harmonic chorus of overlayed vocals: TIL THE NIGHT CLOSES IN

harmonic chorus of overlayed vocals: TIL THE NIGHT CLOSES IN

This is the best episode Girls has ever pulled off to date, and it's utterly minor.  However I disagree with Todd that it's a fundamental middle-finger at the critics.

Uh….no, Peg (toilet flush)


I'm less sold on Achtung but Joshua and even Unforgettable Fire are some damn fine albums in their own right, and their ultimate opening volleys just sail.  It was the perfect U2 pomposity and the right time.

Box Elder slays me, the perfect kiss-off song I conveniently used after being betrayed once.  I holds a special place in my heart and Malkmus would get a pass for that alone, even if he didn't have his stellar oeuvre.

Welcome to the Occupation is fucking great, I don't even know what you're talking about.

I've noticed most managers are often female, and there's almost a bitter  maternal element to their approach.  I think I'm the only male I know who consistently stage managed, and often with a "get the job done and don't sweat the small stuff" attitude (granted, not always the best approach).

I kind of wish we got to spend more time with the tech crew (being one myself), but I do love the moments we get of Maria, whether this speech, or how she's the designated pot-head by merit of being the most stressed out person on the production.  Even one episode with her, detailing the misery of being a stage


I've always heard the song as essentially a slow plea to woman to convince her to let him sex her up, since it'll be great.  The line that spoke of very covered innuendo to me was in the last verse "And it was clear she couldn't go on."  Maybe it's just my interpretation, but it always read more to me as stating she

Like a rocky raccoon.

Sigur Ros made an album so derivative they didn't even need a title, just the ().