

I'd like to remind you that "(Don't Fear) The Reaper" isn't about death, but rather the 70s motif of amazing sex. I refer to Woody Allen's Manhattan: "The premise is this guy screws so great…Screws so grea that when he brings a woman to orgasm,she's so fulfilled that she dies."

"With a Girl Like You" is one of the unsung brilliant pieces of mastery from the British Invasion.

I'm piggybacking a bit on your comment, @Dikachu:disqus , but this felt the appropriate place for my six-degrees-of-separation anecdote on Mr. Warburton:

I hear you talking, but you're not saying anything.

We're in the Modern Age.

All these Nick/Disney kid shows with 16-19 year old teenagers creep me out on principle alone.  They throw grossly attractive young adults up there, in occasionaly risque situations (again, for a kids show), and I'll flip past it, be slightly intrigued, realize what it is, and go dad-mode and just hope they can all

His shows are double-chinned?

Williams has presence in the looks department, but she fits Marnie too well — essentially an empty suit pretending to no know things.

Parts of Dollhouse are a chore, but it's still a richly textured series with a lot of great moments.

Will, don't listen to @avclub-6997a8bd0e1042b70b60c5c879a1780e:disqus .  Pokemon is the Alpha and the Omega.

If it's good enough for Tom Hanks, it's good enough for me.

If it's good enough for Tom Hanks, it's good enough for me.

I've never seen a lick of the show, save for about 20 minutes I caught two nights ago.  People watched it?

The Fall.

What it boils down to, for me, is movements, whether stylistic, regional, etc.  Noel has a perfect example: New Journalism.  Hell, be it Southern Gothic writing, the Beat movement, Czech New Wave, Italian neorealism, California sunshine pop, or anything between latitudinal lines, trying to fully embrace any zeitgeist


He would've found a way to expand Marcellus Wallace into a series of basic-cable TV movies.

@avclub-792b765aa995daf26cf6f17f519c949d:disqus , @avclub-6b160289536b8a7a7a2c161a02014e7c:disqus Hang dai

How'mi doin'?  How'mi doin'? Don't be scared, I'm just looking for a nosh!