
Yet all are destroyed by the Super Bass-O-Matic '76.

Wasn't there a study about 2 years ago though that linked the soda with a percentage increase in pancreatic cancer (it wouldn't be the *deciding* factor, but it definitely aided the carcinogens)?  Maybe I've forgotten a detail, but I definitely recall stories about said study a few years ago.  Although, surely you

Wasn't there a study about 2 years ago though that linked the soda with a percentage increase in pancreatic cancer (it wouldn't be the *deciding* factor, but it definitely aided the carcinogens)?  Maybe I've forgotten a detail, but I definitely recall stories about said study a few years ago.  Although, surely you

If it's going into the shakes than their suppliers must have an all-fruit diet.

If it's going into the shakes than their suppliers must have an all-fruit diet.

Call me jaded, but I kind of hope Kyle isn't serious about his 20 oz-a-day habit of Coke.  That was my dad's vice…..outdoor guy, lots of exercise, no smokes or alcohol, ate relatively well….but he always got very little sleep, and drank nothing but coke.  And I have a sneaking suspicion that that is what greatly

Call me jaded, but I kind of hope Kyle isn't serious about his 20 oz-a-day habit of Coke.  That was my dad's vice…..outdoor guy, lots of exercise, no smokes or alcohol, ate relatively well….but he always got very little sleep, and drank nothing but coke.  And I have a sneaking suspicion that that is what greatly

You know who else liked Vienna sausages?

You know who else liked Vienna sausages?

But fruit is nature's candy!

But fruit is nature's candy!

The McRib is McCrap.  Don't waste your jizz.  Deposit it in a human receptacle of willing import, or, better yet, a seminal bank, where it may appreciate in value.

The McRib is McCrap.  Don't waste your jizz.  Deposit it in a human receptacle of willing import, or, better yet, a seminal bank, where it may appreciate in value.

Single-stuft Oreos.

Single-stuft Oreos.

"Wonderful Christmastime" will outlive us all; yea, eons after the universe collapses and all matter is reduced to microscopic blips bouncing off one-another, in between organisms, if you have audible capacity, you will hear, "….they practiced all year long, ding-dong, ding-dong…."

"Wonderful Christmastime" will outlive us all; yea, eons after the universe collapses and all matter is reduced to microscopic blips bouncing off one-another, in between organisms, if you have audible capacity, you will hear, "….they practiced all year long, ding-dong, ding-dong…."

I've also always gotten the impression that the little boy didn't even know how to play the drum in the first place, like, he had some "in" with the wisemen, and he picked up his brother's drum since he didn't want to look like a tool.  What a tool.

I've also always gotten the impression that the little boy didn't even know how to play the drum in the first place, like, he had some "in" with the wisemen, and he picked up his brother's drum since he didn't want to look like a tool.  What a tool.

Throwing rocks at the train is one of the most heartwarming moments from a show about pitch black sentimentality.