
Throwing rocks at the train is one of the most heartwarming moments from a show about pitch black sentimentality.

Die Hard 2?

Die Hard 2?

Production still for "Saved By the Bell: The Final Reckoning."  Saturdays at 10am on NBC.

Production still for "Saved By the Bell: The Final Reckoning."  Saturdays at 10am on NBC.

"Money" too.

"Money" too.

I think it's new in general.  I'm busting, @avclub-498f2c21688f6451d9f5fd09d53edda7:disqus, I'm busting!

I think it's new in general.  I'm busting, @avclub-498f2c21688f6451d9f5fd09d53edda7:disqus, I'm busting!

Tou-fucking-che, @avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus, shows what I know about in-lawing.

Tou-fucking-che, @avclub-b750f74544cb00c138079607276995e9:disqus, shows what I know about in-lawing.

Excuse me but I'll have you know those aren't pimples……

Excuse me but I'll have you know those aren't pimples……

This should be called "Tiger on a Boat" and star Samuel L Jackson.

This should be called "Tiger on a Boat" and star Samuel L Jackson.



FUN FACT: John Milius was the live-nude model for the bear on the California state flag.

FUN FACT: John Milius was the live-nude model for the bear on the California state flag.

Did Handlen just write "Family-in-law?"  Did he get hitched and the rest of the AVClub multiverse was not privy?  You know you people are reluctant royalty in our lives, we have an affinity for6 your lives and loves alongside pop culture (like characters in a Joss Whedon show), and we expect you to act accordingly