
Oh yeah, the “test” invented by feminist landwhales who were so upset that that no men would ever touch them that they couldn’t listen to other women discussing their relationships, even fictional ones.

More crying and sobbing from the idiots on the left who have lost this particular “battle” in spectacular and hilarious fashion :)

And they’re so subtle about it too.

They “stand for” their customer-base, funnily enough, who want to see football players play football, rather than make idiotic political statements. Try not to cry :)

It must be truly depressing how badly this whole NFL kneeling fiasco is blowing up in your white guilt face, isn’t that right, Tom? To be outmaneuvered by Trump of all people has got to be doubly frustrating, but you can always post temper tantrums like the above before returning to the 500 SF apartment you share with

It must be eye-opening seeing how many people hate you, Laura. Don’t worry, continue being an unlikeable asshole and I’m sure their opinions will magically change.

It’s nice of your wife’s boyfriend to let you continue doing these Q&As, Harriet.

Who is this “we” you’re referring to? Are you under the impression that anyone on the planet gives a fuck about your feelings towards their racial “weirdness?”

It was nice for Kumail’s wife’s boyfriend to let him out of the house for this :)

How are you planning on “spiting” them? Spilling your period blood all over twitter? I’m sure they’re terrified.

Your echo chamber feeling especially violated today?

True, you’ve never in your entire life said anything horrible, not even once. That’s believable.

Oh no, some nobody on Kinja says to shun multimillionaire Pewdiepie. I’m sure he’s really sacred :)

So is Zoe Quinn. That doesn’t stop beta cucks like you from trying to get near her well-used landwhale cooch though.

Excuse for what? That it gives you the vapors? Are you so fucking stupid that you think upsetting faggots like you isn’t the point?

I’m sure he’s devastated.

That they’re far more successful than you?

The funniest part of your idiotic article is that you think any white person gives a fuck whether you think they’re racist.

True, blacks kill each other at rates that far exceed these mass shootings :)

I’m sure he’s quite upset that you “hate” him.