
Good. The left’s idiotic cries of “gun control” deserve to be treated with utter derision.

It sucks, doesn’t it, that the Second Amendment isn’t subject to the hysterical whims of Constitution-hating leftist fucks? Continue sobbing :)

It sucks when your narrative gets utterly destroyed, huh? Continue screaming “NRA!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111111112222222222" like the autistic faggot that you are, and remember that you have absolutely no power to abrogate the Second Amendment :)

How angry does this make you? Like, do you stay up at night crying and sobbing with hate because Milo keeps exposing you racist fucks, and there’s absolutely nothing you can do about it? LOL

Good. I know you hate and despise the Second Amendment, but thankfully Constitutional rights aren’t subjects to the left’s hysterical whims. Try not to cry :)

No it doesn’t. Fuck you.

I doubt Trump is too upset that this gangbanging piece of shit felon didn’t want to appear with him.

They were probably shocked to finally see a Kaepernick jersey that hadn’t been ripped up, burnt, or unsold :)

I’m sure the underpaid interns checking their emails spent any more than one second on your missives before immediately deleting them.

They’re not weasels, the word you’re looking for is “successful.”

The rich pay the vast majority of the taxes, but you already knew that. You’re always free to send some of your own money to the federal government, though I doubt you care enough about this particular issue to do anything more than shout hysterically that other people should be paying higher taxes :)

LOL, I doubt Kimmel will be going more political, unless he wants to further dilute his already pathetically anemic ratings :)

Somehow, even before I read this “article,” I knew what its author would look like, and I was right.

It must eat you alive inside how badly this is blowing up for the NFL and the idiot “protestors,” huh? Imagine being so stupid that you let Donald Trump, of all people, control your puppet strings.

She isn’t going to have sex with you.

Why don’t you cry some more over the NFL being absolutely destroyed by Trump? Talk about a fucking blowout.

It’s absolutely astonishing how badly this has backfired on those kneeling idiots. They did exactly what Trump wanted them to do, in exactly the way he demanded. Can you imagine publicly declaring to the world that you’re stupider and more emotionally unhinged than Trump?

Example #24231212121 of game developers idiotically shitting on their audience, while the bright red baboon asses at Kotaku gleefully reprint it.

You could’ve just written “because they’re stupid,” and been done with it.

Hilarious, huh? If only that idiot hadn’t started this moronic kneeling business, he’d probably have an NFL job ;)