
"Sure, I know we have like 10 wolf safety experts and assistance to the assistants of Weiss and Benioff, but just string some of these beads I found at Hobby Lobby together, it'll be fine." #hairnet4eva

That's something someone who never tried heroin would say.

That's what I thought, just because the judge murder was so much more beautiful, if you can call it that.

But it would be if Hannibal decided to copy the copier's MO in order to get a mistrial.

Absolutely amazing.

I've bought my husband a couple of Polish posters - Both Andrzej Pagowski. The Rosemary's Baby and Starman, which while not an amazing movie, the poster is absolutely incredible.

Nice try, that actor who plays Seth. ;)

Not yet. They've announced plans (maybe teaming up with Warby Parker?) to have some prescription pairs but as of now, there aren't any that work like that.

Yeah, I wasn't so much into his bullshit with dumb stupid Rachel (man, just kill everyone from S1 and move on, show) but he was so great, and so capable, and so much alumni from Generation Kill. Michael Kelly was so great in that role, and I was more interested to see power plays between him and Seth Pointy Nose than

Guys. I am pretty upset about this whole Doug Stamper situation. I don't like Weasel McBradleyCooper! Stamper was the fucking man, despite sheet-sniffing! WHY DOES EVERYTHING I LOVE HAVE TO DIE

So despite your weird judginess, Ren and Stimpy was on before these other shows, I am pretty sure when I go back and remember stuff that was awesome from my middle school years. I'm 35 and besides seeing a SWEET picture of myself in a big ol' Wayne's World tee shirt in 8th grade, I feel like that was about the same

I'd like one Log shirt, please. And the Stimpy Mickey is basically incredible.

Sorry, I should have been more clear. You can find it for downloading on many sites online.

Guys this is making me uncomfortable.

It's really easy to find Clone High online, as well.

It's already happened, and his name was Fred Rogers. Anyone I discovered as an adult I think I can handle with a relative amount of aplomb but I STILL get choked up, to this day, when I read articles about Mr. Rogers.

Sean O'Neal I have been saying this for at least 5 years but I fucking love you, man.

I was one of those teenage girls. And here is the thing, that album caused me to go back and buy all of Metallica's prior albums and And Justice For All basically changed my life.


I hear shaking a coffee can with some pennies in it works.