
Mayo on the outside of the bread. This is the one step that will change your grilled cheese life forever.

I saw this headline in my email and was like "ugh I have to go over there now to ensure that Veronica and Keith Mars are adequately represented as the absolute ideal father/daughter relationship ever depicted in pop culture."

See, I think that is the kind of theory that definitely holds water in a Stoner From the 1970s way. You win!

It became slightly easier once those fuckfaces got rid of the spicy chicken biscuit

TIL every 6th hipster mom is a secret Nazi

"Cersei doesn’t have the foresight to play chess with the pieces she has, preferring to upend the board in a fit of rage."

I personally am just mourning that this turn of events rules out the emo broody storyline of the…DARKSTARRRR

Two whole courses? FUCKING LUXURY!

Ugh I totally agree. I don't understand why they need to do that, nobody's going to go in, watch a movie like this and be like "THAT'S A FACKIN' LIE HIS EYES AH WICKED FACKIN BLUE".

It straight took me a whole year of playing Blops3 (my entry into console FPS and multiplayer FPS barring disastrous LAN party games of Quake where I just got discombobulated and pulled a Big Tuna and ran into walls)

I tried getting into Smite because my boyfriend is bananas for it and I was like "I like video games, show me" and two hours later I was like "Listen professor, there is no fucking way I'm going to ever understand this, I don't have that much time to watch Twitch."

Destiny is an absolutely TERRIBLE choice to learn FPS on. I get maybe Halo, but I'd have him play like, ghosts or, ideally, Black Ops 2 first.

I have a profound, profound crush on Don Hertzfeldt.

SAAAY WHAAAT!? I'm totally going to watch this!

I thought for a while that this show was an elaborate hoax, and somehow re-innovating discomfort comedy.


I kind of want to hear more about airline exclusive movies. Specifically only if they were about plane crashes and included some sort of D-box functionality.

I'm just here to say I had this avatar for like a year and a half you bandwagon jumpers.

Looks like my competition is larger than I expected.

My friends are way too chatty for Game of Thrones, I'd cut them if they started talking. Viewing parties are for clearly more well-adjusted people than me.