
"About time!" - nobody, ever

That montage, Emma Thompson's getting her shit together after having a secret cry, and Bill Nighy and his manager's whole subplot are the only genuinely affecting moments in that movie.

It is especially galling as there are so many really fantastic romantic comedies out there (although none, recently, I think since Bridget Jones, which is a fucking CLASSIC) and yet every time I'm hanging around with ladies and we're talking about movies there is an inevitable "OMG I love Love Actually" and I want to

Well I mean you can't spill red wine on a $10,000 white couch. Surely giant unstable-looking red wine glasses are the solution.

I feel like it is more important to discuss here the absolute ridiculousness of 90% of Crate and Barrel's current stock of wine glasses.

John Wells' takeover of West Wing is a perfect example of this.

that sounds like advice from someone who has never interacted with an admin assistant via email.

The thing is Spader's getup in The Blacklist is less "Douche fedora" and more "tabletop gaming aficionado dressing to impress the ladies at Wizardcon and inevitably failing because you don't look cool, Slartibartfast69"

ME? is that even a real state?


Yeah Fallingwater is not a large set.

seriously, man, Christmas is basically a cultural holiday now. We're both atheists but you think that shit is going to stop us from getting presents and gorging ourselves on the roast flesh of animals? Hell no.

I have the Fallingwater Lego and it's on a shelf in our library, and it's beautiful. The entire Lego Architecture series is fucking brilliant, and I love them. My mom has been giving me Legos for Christmas since I was 5 years old, and I just turned 35. It rules.

They really are just so incredible, and worth it alone for finding out that Sondheim uses a rhyming dictionary.

Oh hell yes, GK is one of the most amazing miniseries ever.

Anyone who doesn't love Daisy is a fucking idiot.

The scariest thing I've ever seen in my life is when I was 13 and watching Twin Peaks as it was airing, and the scene where (SPOILER) Leland looks in the mirror and turned into Bob. It's the basic architecture for my nightmares ever since.

"available on DVD?!" Someone get me a time machine!

Fair warning: if you binge-watch all the Black Books over a weekend, be prepared to walk away with a scorching case of the want-to-fucks for Dylan Moran.

Dear Lana: The debt is forgiven.