
I bet I said this in 2009 when y'all interviewed him, but I would like to restate for the record that Alton Brown's pot roast recipe with the raisins and olives is unexpectedly fucking awesome.

Yes, exactly, New Orleans and Atlanta are far cooler than Austin will ever be which is why you should move to them and not here.

They're called ILLUSIONS, Kevin.

Magic would probably be a lot more awesome if there was physical violence involved. Which is to say, any awesome. Some awesome. A bit of awesome.

yeah, the real one is all about molderin' in his grave, right?

I think you mean "other two" since obviously this thing people keep talking about called "Temple of Doom" doesn't actually exist.

Would that I had more upvotes than one to give this comment.

Michaela Watson is the MVP of this show. She has been stealing scenes in everything she's in.

I would have much preferred the David Fincher version, but only if Trent Reznor did the music.

Suburgatory isn't canceled?! That is so awesome, another sneakily great show.

This is great news, Trophy Wife is a total secret success.

Jonathan Brandis, never forget.

True. I have had friends who in their 30s had never touched themselves. It happens WAY MORE than you might think.

Yeah, I completely disagree. I mean, look, this entire family blows dumb shit up to epic proportions, but if your mom's going to be up in your shit the whole time about not getting married, just don't tell her. Fuck her. She did the same damn thing when she was a kid and like, seriously, her kid is an adult who is

I feel like I really do.

Soon to be every thirtysomething woman you know's favorite movie.

I thought the year I went as a Blind Venetian was going to be a home run but maybe my friends then were just really stupid.

Me/Keith Mars 4 ever

only $10? Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.