
Or Leo. Leo is a perfectly great person to be and is still not even anywhere near being a Piz. Ugh Piz.

Duncan. WHAT?! HE IS THE WORST. Nobody can ever be in love with Duncan after they showed him wearing that fucking wig. NO. I hope you're dead, Duncan. Also fuck you, Teddy Dunn.

Are there people who think that shit is legit? Because I feel like more than any other show I have ever seen in my life, this is the most critical of bro-ism.

I wish that all actors with no improv or sketch background would do what he did. He seemed to grasp the concept of just performing the characters, as if they were real characters, and expecting the writing to bestow the humor. I mean fuck, absurdity basically depends on being played straight which is why I think I

Yeah this was something I mentioned to my husband. Like, it's horrible, but there aren't a whole lot of people out there on the streets who are going to just succeed because a person was nice to them. Addiction and mental illness and in general the stress of being homeless does not make for a television-ready

Well, as a 43%er who bled a lot more than this girl did, it didn't bother me at all. Your experience is not everyone's experience, either.

The twist is, he was ALSO watching it on a plane!

I have a pretty badass Iron Pigs inaugural season baseball cap. Thanks, dad!

There is no better human than Sean O'Neal.

These comments are making me really, really miss this show. Well, the show and the experts recaps.

Then see this posted onto your facebook feed by every nerdy friend you have for the next 3 months!

Yeah, you know, the thing is if you're going to present her as such a hero to the future of womanhood, perhaps make her relatable? Instead of trying to find her voice and let us empathize with it, they're just presenting her as an object of desire without any underlying personality. I need to know who she actually

yeah, exactly. The fact that KP had actual QUALMS about pushing Forney out of the boat seemed like a real milestone.

This is exactly, exactly true. I don't live in LA but I have friends who do and some of the epic, EPIC douchery I have witnessed is impossible to overstate.

Yeah, again, had to walk out of the room. "Oh, it's ok, I can make some." SOMEONE FUCKING KILL ME

No, I agree. He is either somehow weirdly appealing due to his sense of humor or that British accent is basically impervious to appearance.

No no I don't think so, but I can't help but think (again, I haven't read it since then) that it's probably just a little bit racist.


I have just been going through a revisit of Heyer! My mom had a bunch of them and she would give them to me to read when I was a young teenager. They're still fucking fantastic.

How's this for fucked-up? (full disclosure, I read a ton of Xanth between 5th and like, 8th grade? And also I'm a girl but I only mention it as it's relevant to the discussion of sexism) - I got into Xanth books because my 4th grade female teacher read it to us, aloud. Same with the Indian in the Cupboard.