
So basically this was television's version of fucking carpet bombing

Just stop it, Singled Out.  Nobody fucking likes you.


So true! Will fat jokes NEVER not be funny?

The thing about atheists is that you're only HEARING the ones who keep talking about how they're atheists.   The rest of them don't give a fuck and couldn't be less interested in the conversation in the first place.

If this is what Jobs looks like, I'd rather stay in Greece!  HEY-O! 

I won an episode of Jeopardy and that shit was easy, son.  Paid for some house improvements, and trips to Istanbul and London.  Yay Jeopardy!

I found this so pleasing to imagine.

I like how when you travel you come home with nothing.

Hey incidentally, this shot of Jesse in the papasan really reminds me of the shot of Tony Montana in the chair behind his desk full of coke, which was when, right before he went out in a blaze of glory? Hubris? 

So this is Dean Norris's Emmy season, right? I mean that whole speech alone basically about not knowing Walt should get him a nom.

Now here is the thing.  The thing that Jesse has to find out is about Jane dying.  Her death was really the sort of beginning of the end for him, remember where he was like "I've figured it out, I'm the bad guy."  I just feel like that sentence was Chekhov's gun, and I feel like there's got to be something he does

HBO CEO of Tits is the best.


Here is a question: Why wasn't the Postmortal a better book? 

guys is it bad that I find Mads Mikkelsen hot

See also: her shitty performance in Luther.  Good thing she's pretty*.

Oh man I have you guys so beat.

I am one of these people! I never saw it on the air but watched it during its brief time on Netflix (RIP Netflix Streaming VMars), ended up buying all the seasons on Amazon and then gave money to the Kickstarter.  Clearly I am Fry.

Man, WHAT?!  That hair is the fucking bomb.