
Oh great, one more thing for my gay friends to livetweet.

I seriously give zero fucks about any of these movies.   As I get older this kind of self-absorbed shit gets less and less interesting.  I want to watch robots punch fucking lizards or whatever

NO SHIT.  I have a book of some really shitty poetry I wrote between the ages of 17-19 about you know, boys I was in love with at the sandwich shop I worked at, and the mere thought of letting someone read them (I can't get rid of them!  Someone might dig it up in the dump!) makes my fucking skin crawl.

Stay tuned for the spinoff, Summer Isles Beach Party!

What it needs is some fair wang distribution.  I look at bush all day long on this show and not one single pickle enters my view.  THIS IS A SHOW RUN BY A GAY GUY.  WHAT THE FUCK, HBO.


This is mostly Alexander Skarsgard's ass's fault.

If they don't have the balls to take one of the most important moments in the character development of one of the most important characters, what the fuck did they even do this goddamned show for?  They could have just put the Belgariad or some shit on screen.  If they don't have Tyrion kill Shae I will be so fucking

Agreed!  Tyrion is at his best with the plotting and the scheming and the slapping of kings.

Aka all the fat fantasy fans' Mary Sue.

Hey speaking of, I am wondering what the long con for bringing Sansa with him to the Eyrie is.   I am under the impression that he basically stole her away to I guess a) frame Tyrion and b) because she looks like her mother and that gives him a boner, right?  It just seems so basic for Littlefinger.

Yeah I got in an insane argument on Saturday at a GoT trivia night with folks who continued to argue that Joffrey was going to die this episode, which I could not be more "fuck no" about.

Yeah you know it's one thing to read about it in the books, it's a complete other thing to see it.   I assumed they were going to whitewash that part, which they most definitely did not, and I felt icky and sad and I cried a little.

It's a shame that the casting was so fucked up.  The actress playing her is about as exciting and swashbuckling as a foot.

Davos is the fucking man, even in the books.  I can't wait for him to get with my other homey Wyman Manderley and start to fuck shit up.

I don't know y'all Rami Malek would be pretty great. 

Charles Dance = MVP

I always pictured Cersei as being this fresh-faced, wide-eyed, blonde ingenue-looking type, because it clashes so much with what a horrible fucking cunt she is.

that video.  I can't believe I watched the whole thing.

If you're going to stop watching the show because they killed off all the characters you like, the real takeaway here is to like better characters.