Oh the delicious butthurt
Oh the delicious butthurt
Man I'm rereading ASOS right now, and GRRM couldn't have forecasted the RW any harder. Fucking Patchface is tipping Davos to a bad wedding. Qarth, fools, dreams, I mean it's all flashing prophetic lights saying "HEY YOU GUYS A WEDDING IS GOING TO HAPPEN AND IT'S GONNA BE BAD Y'ALL."
it's just a shame that all the jaded heartbroken noobs are going to have to wait for like 7 more episodes until their lust for revenge brings them back in the fold. Battered, bitter, but much like Arya, stronger.
Look you guys a cable news broadcast is exactly the same as walking around in loafers in Joshua Tree. I can't believe you Philistines CAN'T SEE IT. WHAT DOES AARON SORKIN HAVE TO DO TO MAKE YOU UNDERSTAND HOW IMPORTANT THIS IS TO THE FUTURE OF HUMANITY?!
So awesome:
there is no way those guys are going to show a fucking wolf-headed dead dude. If they do that I will have such insane respect for them, but these guys are the same guys that haven't let Arya be the hardcore little badass that she is for the entire show so I seriously, seriously doubt that's going to happen.
it's a shame he's a eunuch - that guy is bonerriffic.
I was so happy about that. Finally getting rid of that motherfucking dead weight. Go fuck yourself, Rickon.
Wyman Manderly - secretly the best motherfucker in Westeros. I want him to have a spinoff. A cooking show. Crossover with Hannibal appeal!
ugh seriously that was so intensely fucked up I had like shudders for two days.
I think it would be a perfect fit for AMC - replacing Breaking Bad.
Yeah I just started watching this a couple weeks ago, then went on an insane glut of like 3 episodes in a row and besides the fact that I had some fucked up nightmares, I've been evangelizing about this show since. I hope to shit it gets renewed or picked up somewhere else. It's really fantastic.
I am going to be (and I don't feel like I'm one of the kinds of fans who's all boo hoo this isn't like the book) SUPER FUCKING PISSED if Tyrion doesn't kill Shae in the most fucking intimate, dramatic, hands around her neck choking the fucking life out of her way possible.
This show would be improved 1000% with some judicious usage of boners.
plus that sigil! So chic! Doesn't worry me at all, I think skin has been holding everyone back lo these many years.
What? No way, ADWD was WAAAY worse. Half of that book was Dany sitting on her stupid fucking ass making stupid fucking decisions like an idiot.
this was supposed to be a reference to Quantum Leap but I am an old person who doesn't understand this new (to me) comment system so please pretend I said something really great here thanks
yes although it did render my long-ass lecture to my non-book-reading spouse moot when the teasers came on and I was like OK SO THIS IS WHAT THIS SONG MEANS DUDE all excited and like on the verge of tears of anticipation (I can't be the only one who that happens to) and much like every single time I get into a long…