Yeah, Hugh Grant is great, pretty much universally and gives really, really great interviews.
Yeah, Hugh Grant is great, pretty much universally and gives really, really great interviews.
I would like Don Cheadle to make a miniseries about his life and call it "Cheadlin'"
It ruffled some feathers in the studio.
Wait, what? TransformersII/Wolverine what? Is that like, unawesome? Because that's what those movies were.
You know how in Mad Men
Matthew Weiner said that he wasn't going to let anyone smoke on the show who didn't actually know how to smoke (I am guessing except for January Jones because she has this same problem)?
Wait, Thor does, doesn't it? Even further scandal since they didn't offer the lead to his son.
That movie sucks already because they got that fucking dude who was the dad in Star Trek to be Thor instead of Alexander Skarsgard who is actually Scandinavian and also the most fuckable dude in the universe.
Kirk borrowed a feeling from the snuggle fairy.
Yep the good old bazaars with the filet crocheted pillow covers and hot glued pinecones to a wreath form.
It is too bad that you don't live in Austin, I would invite you to come play with us.
The computers are useful for characters and whatnot, now that you can create them in like, 5 minutes.
We have just started playing D&D again as grownups with lots of alcohol and it is retardedly fun.
No. It is Paul Rudd. His delivery is really Ruddian a lot - I'm telling you.
Yeah that was super great. I was compelled to applaud in my fucking living room. Absolutely amazing.
Here is another tip:
Except I think my dream is going to be denied b/c you have to have the coumarin in it for that flavor, which is illegal.
Oh, oh, getting back to flavored vodkas for a second (and I am beginning to find it depressing that I am pretty sure I've commented more on this thread than any other thread ever in the 4-year history I've been visiting this site), has anyone ever tried zubrowka?
totally O/T but I want to know if Jeopardy ever called you.
WTF is sotol (I mean, I just googled it, but I have never heard of it before)?! It's like some sort of My Spirit Guide Just Punked Me version of mezcal?
I would like to say that it has never occurred to me to put sriracha in a Bloody Mary, but now that I am thinking about it, that is fucking BRILLIANT.