My husband drinks bourbon and diet coke. He really likes Bulleit (sp?)
My husband drinks bourbon and diet coke. He really likes Bulleit (sp?)
Real Ale Fireman's #4 is the tits, straight up. I was seriously considering buying a keg of it for a party I'm throwing next week but I think it's a bit too, I don't know, filling, which would defeat the point of getting a keg.
Yeah, re: tobacco and weed together. This is where the Dutch have it so fucking right it hurts, with their elegant cone-shaped joints and the little cardboard filter.
When in doubt, buy Blue Label duty free.
Jesus fucking wept, no joke. After this fucknut of a guy I was dating at the time (such a baby at 18) cheated on me - I went to a friends house and we started doing shots of a handle of Pepe Lopez - I woke up on the floor 10 hours later cuddling a saucepan of my own vomit, having for the only time in my seriously…
I prefer Tanqueray Ten, you guys, to Bombay Sapphire. Not the regular Tanq but Ten. Mas que bueno.
Except for Leonard, all of you are total vaginas when it comes to drinking. MODERATION?!!? REASONABLE INTAKE OF ALCOHOL?! What. In the Fuck.
Yeah, that story about Tom Ford really cements in my mind that this guy is kind of a cock.
I am so fucking jealous of your 1k. Someone give me a job that flies me places.
I'm about to mileage run to make Premier Executive. I am weaksauce in FF circles but it's so addictive.
Frequent Flying
So how much of the movie is frequent flyer obsessive and how much of it is cheesy romantic shit? I feel like the marketing for this has been all over the place, and I'm still mad at Reitman for Juno.
Well, when I saw it, I never noticed any sort of deliberate leading, I just noticed that the kid sure seemed like a real kid, and how nice that was.
Yep except with a vagina
God, that really was a fantastic interview.
I really really liked the little girl's performance in The Fall - it was astonishingly natural for a little kid.
I think Eternal Sunshine is definitely my top movie of the decade - regardless of some of the cheesy-seeming cliche character development, I have never seen anything that captures all of those other emotions of being in a relationship. I'm especially a fan of the contrast of Dave Cross and whatsherface to the Jim…
Helloooo Matthew Morrison
Oh look at you being all forceful and serious. You can get me pregnant, you lard-haired dreamboat.
Butterfly Effect is the most retarded movie I have EVER seen in my WHOLE LIFE EVER. It is hilarious and I wish that we could have animated gif avatars because mine would be armless Ashton Kutcher getting thrown out of his wheelchair.
Simpsons Line
"You've got all the eloquence and urgency of a census worker caught in a bear trap."
Won my money here: