I just taped my episode of Jeopardy last week. That shit is CRAZY.
I just taped my episode of Jeopardy last week. That shit is CRAZY.
Also they changed it because we Americans have no fucking idea how long or tall a meter is. I watched the Attenborough ones and I was all "I DON'T KNOW HOW HIGH 2000 FUCKING METERS IS BRO"
If my mother ever distributed my likeness without written authorization, I would disown her.
I liked it when the polar bear came to their hut and they're all "oh fuck."
I think this is about to get good
I totally want Serena banging some Congressman and Vanessa to get all "bitch get off my man" with Dan.
No. Everyone calls Representatives Congressmen and Senators Senators. That's just the way it is.
Yay, this should be fun in a year.
You don't have to know anything about football now that the internet exists! And happily, the change in me from being some girl who doesn't know shit about football and watches only the Superbowl and then only the commercials to a girl who watches Monday Night Football and can actually use names to insult people at…
Erin + Nard Dog = New Pam & Jim.
I do think this show is really hitting a sweet spot - I've been impressed with it all season, and I was a listless, timewasting watcher last season. Most Improved Show win.
I just want to say that I am v. pleased with Yahoo's fantasy crap, and I think realtime is free now.
Oh hi, one of the scariest moments in television history as brought to you by David Lynch - and I guess this is a spoiler for those of you who haven't watched an 18 year old series - when Leland Palmer is in the mirror and suddenly his face flashes to BOB. Holy fucking shit I thought I was going to crap the bed when…
Yeah, the last truly frightening movie I saw was The Ring - I saw a sneak preview of it when it came out, so it was completely full, and despite the stupid fucking hippie next to me who brought in a tupperware container full of spaghetti(?!?), it still was so. fucking. scary. It still scares me.
My fucking sister made me watch The Exorcist with her when I was 5 - she was 12 and didn't want to watch it alone. I am pretty sure it has put me mostly off horror for life, but I do have to admit, I love that movie. I watch it more frequently than I should, with a perverse kind of glee.
I love Fallout, all of them, but I totally get the whole "dark and despairing" thing. I think that combined with the scratchy old tunes gives it a weirdo, creepy, utterly lonely feeling that can be really unsettling.
Here is some good advice. The only non-QB you want from New Orleans is Shockey. Fuck Pierre Thomas, that no-doing nothing piece of dick.
I'm in
My theory
The same stuff you want to watch when you're sick is the same sort of stuff you want to watch on a really long plane ride. I just did a bunch of traveling last week with a net total of around 30 hours of air time logged, and I have never seen Battlestar Galactica, and thus downloaded the first season on…
Yeah, this was one of the best-researched, well-prepared-for interviews I've ever read here. Nice work; total interview win.