Into Thin Air I think is his best, by far, what with how fucking exciting it is all the time.
Into Thin Air I think is his best, by far, what with how fucking exciting it is all the time.
I am currently reading this, and I think a good example of what Donna means is when Tillman was charged with felony assault for beating the shit out of some fellow high schooler and he just kind of was all "well, they explained he had a scholarship and the charges were dropped."
His show
Was like, huge on the internet 6 years ago or something and then kind of the interest waned (by which I mean, my interest waned).
I am not remotely a fan of Community, except for Chevy Chase, but this show is great. Funny, weird, and sweet at the end. I'm glad to see it's doing so well in the ratings.
Seriously he is so awesome.
"Crotch injuries are the worst…you don't have to tell me."
Frank is awesome and I will have no truck with opposing views. He was SO repellent last night on the sidewalk, gargleburping. It was brilliant. Devito needs an Emmy, man.
Yeah, actually, I am kind of regretting saying that (SORRY AUSTRALIAN RACISTS, YOU ONLY COME IN 3rd) because then I started thinking of crazy weirdo racist/nationalist shit they do in the Far East. Ex: I am going to Japan in a week and I expect to be stared at and not let into places because of my gaijin-ness, but…
Yeah, I'm still not down with it.
I am pretty sure Australia is the second nicest place to live in after Norway if you're white.
Not that using the word ironically would somehow make it less awful.
Australians are the racistiest racists ever. I just heard one completely unironically use the word "wog" the other day and be all surprised to hear that it was horribly offensive.
Didn't he already have Alzheimer's at that point, though?
I work with someone
who I'm pretty sure actually believes the world is going to end in 2012 and that the Mayans were psychic.
Batman needs to stop eating burritos and using fountain pens.
You're right. My secret agenda is to make roller derby girls go to church. That's it! Also to never laugh.
I am legitimately bummed
I was totally gonna buy tickets for this. I'd already started acting as an ad hoc publicist for Kanye to all of my friends so they would go see this with me. It would have been awesome.
I also did not like Adventureland. Even with Martin Starr trying desperately to save it every time he was on screen, it just died for me.
so technically male athletes in mainstream sports also dress in a sexualized way