Me too. I do not watch this show to watch Blair get dumped on, I watch it to watch her totally destroy everything in her path.
Me too. I do not watch this show to watch Blair get dumped on, I watch it to watch her totally destroy everything in her path.
Also Alyson Hannigan's hair looked really great; the red suits her so much better than that crappy brown.
Why you do this to me, Aaron? Why you make-a these-a crappy movies?
@The Gooch
I thought this episode was fantastic - I kind of was just watching last year because of inertia, in between the Office and 30 Rock but I was surprised at how funny I thought it was last night.
I also thought this episode was great and that I am living in Bizarro world listening to all the critiques. Of course, I am also a former drama douche, so perhaps it is that thing that makes me love it so much.
Frankly, I feel like Chevy Chase doesn't get enough props for being fucking AWESOME in the 80s. Everyone's all "ohhh Bill Murray" but Chevy was the man, man.
This thread
And all the "I don't get it"s about how fucking awesome this is is making me feel a) sad and b) really old.
I look forward to purchasing this
As the reading material in my guest bathroom is getting stale.
It is possible to grow up watching both Chevy Chase and Doris Day. Well, I wasn't so much Doris Day as I was Sandra Dee/Bobby Darin.
God seriously, the extensions were a nightmare.
Doesn't Claudine show up in book 3? Or is it book 4?
I agree, and I thought that was the saddest part of the whole show, but mostly for Don's sake, whose look of friendly recognition got stuffed by the guard. Poor Don, nobody wants to be your friend.
Yeah, I am reading PPD from a mile away.
Frank Darabont
Was the highlight of the show with the guns and the "Think Like Clint" hat.
I just wanted to say
you guys made watching this show this season a lot more fun for me. I will miss y'all until next year.
Oh shit I just remembered this
It's not really famous but I was drunk the other night downtown in Austin and I'm pretty sure we saw Roy from The Office. And I might have yelled "HEY ROY" really loudly. I think it was him. Maybe not.
Hey! Love Psychedelico! Those guys were on a mixtape I once got from a friend and they were awesome.
Now do slowcore!
Push It
That scene was A.Mazing. Along with Jane Lynch's assertion that she doesn't menstruate either, best moment of the night, by far.