Yeah, not me, she is so so horrible that it makes me crazy when she's on. I keep wishing she'll just explode suddenly.
Yeah, not me, she is so so horrible that it makes me crazy when she's on. I keep wishing she'll just explode suddenly.
Glee is not FOR you people, it is for us; women and gays. The True Blood audience, basically.
The assertion that British television is better than American television is fucking RETARDED. For every tiny little 6-episode Gervais-helmed season of brilliance, there are other shows that you limey dicks over there think is HILARIOUS (I know because your laugh track tells me so) that sucks balls. What was that…
I realize I am a day late on this, but in the vein of Drapers = Bad Parents, I don't think so - if anything, that seems like a pretty seriously stereotypical WASPish upbringing to me. Especially in Betty's case. Man, how much more of a WASPy emotionally unavailable remote perfect ice queen of a mother could she be?
The Inexplicable Cat Meow Sound Effect
You know, to denote chaos? Usually preceded by glass breaking?
The building is gone. Sad, sad, sad, especially because Austin doesn't particularly have a lock on great MCM architecture. I mean, there are a few places that are stunning, but that building was fucking art, man.
I miss that building so much. My parents used to have a house in Onion Creek so I'd drive by it every time I went to see them. When I saw this movie was coming out I assumed it was the Adams building that inspired it.
Featuring the hit song "Snickers."
Seriously, Hands on a Hardbody is one of the only ways to convince me of the necessity of actual brick and mortar "quirky" video stores as well as the importance of still owning a VCR.
This movie's impact on Austin and the knucklefuckers who moved here after it was released can not be understated. I swear to god, up until '99 there were still people who referenced that movie and mentioned how they knew some dude from this movie.
With Jim Carrey's apparent ridiculously boneheaded numerology obsession and Jenny McCarthy's anti-vaccination/indigo child bullshit, I am pretty confident that those two are the worst human beings ever and should be shot into space in a ziploc baggie.
I think he is an asshole because of that behind-the-scenes documentary he did where he was, pretty much, constantly an asshole. Let America Laugh, I believe it was called.
Oh jesus, it's like that tamarind splooge they sell at the convenience store. Mexican candy is fucking disgusting.
You guys! Nail gun to head in the 3rd one!
And isn't it really kind of true, even today? I know for me it is; I work in a totally male-dominated industry in a totally male-dominated department. You have to be cool to get ahead.
Rick Rossovich
That guy was everywhere in the 80s. What happened, Slider?
How old is your mom? It's actually really interesting that you say this, because I think this boils down to the same thing that still happens to women of my generation (30s) from their moms. "Oh, be yourself, but don't try to be one of the guys, shouldn't you wear something more feminine, shouldn't you do this, or…
She's awful, and man, bright lighting + HD is not her friend. She sounded and looked like she was in a high school play.
Okay I clearly misinterpreted the toolbox comment because it seemed like more of a personal reprimand to Peggy about how she lost the argument and shouldn't keep fishing for reasons to throw at him that the campaign was wrong.
I am just impressed that you have some sort of goods on the AV club guys that allows you to still post here since you're consistently a worthless dipshit.