I don't know, or possibly don't remember the answer, but that lingering camera shot on the statue as well as its presence earlier in the season with PuppySam points to a big fucking "yep" on the whole smashing thing.
I don't know, or possibly don't remember the answer, but that lingering camera shot on the statue as well as its presence earlier in the season with PuppySam points to a big fucking "yep" on the whole smashing thing.
Except a lot of demons live solely due to their lack of effective antagonism towards Buffy's crew (hi, everyone in the stupid demon bar).
Also being a really, really, really bad actor.
Except it would make it really hard for the Scoobie's prominent sanctimonious side to do something like that. Not to mention it brings up some issues about them letting Anya live. Spike's effectively been neutered as a threat to innocents, same way Anya has.
Not Killing Spike
Beside the fact that he's awesome, it would be immoral to kill him, right? He's not actually being a vampire right now, with the killing and the maiming and whatnot.
God, truer words have never been spoken. This is a problem with TV and film. Those crappy stiff Canadians just jerk you out of the fragile little bubble of "sure, this is Providence, whatever" all the time.
Don't worry, I'm going to go with Froot-Loop-bedecked Brees after drafting my RBs.
Seriously can we get a writeup of Warlock? I don't have any idea how well that movie did financially, but you guys have to fit it in somewhere, cult, flops, watched it on purpose, whatever. That movie owns.
It could just be that my fantasy draft is tomorrow, but all I can think about is little Rice-Krispie covered Jay Cutlers.
Yeah I'm pretty sure that wouldn't happen.
I totally disagree, loving both, and actually having just rewatched Golden Child two weeks ago (thank you, cheap Time Warner on Demand).
If I'm not back in 20 minutes, call the President.
Everyone knows that the last good season of Sopranos was season 4 (except for "The Test Dream" in Season 5 which was probably the best episode of the whole show), and pretty much I remember the last two years of discussion of the Sopranos being "god this show sucks now."
Yes, you should all write those reviews on these old antiquated things that they used to call "blogs" and then once you're done, please notify us where your reviews are, by post, please, no other "electronic" submissions will be considered and then we will all agree with you and suddenly you will stop caring how much…
Okay so this might be reaching but I just noticed that the Drapers have a daughter named Sally who Betty joked about being a "little lesbian" and essentially shares her name with the only gay recurring character on the show.
I pray he gets dick cancer.
If you thought that shit was hilarious, I am pretty sure you're on the losing side of this argument. Unless by "hilarious" you meant "more cringe-evoking than Curb or the UK Office at its most David-Brent-Dancing."
I was wondering if the tension about the name was related to the 1952 London Smog. http://en.wikipedia.org/wik…
I think Joan is trying to hammer home that Peggy can't be part of both worlds. If she wants to run with the boys and play their game, she can't be friends with the secretaries.
Poor fucking Sal, my god, he was finally gonna get some.