
I watched the entire run of that show, out of some fucked-up twisted sense of obligation to Al Swearengen's memory and I can tell you, categorically, that it was THE FUCKING WORST. Surfers should not act, actors should not surf, and that show should have never been made.

I LOVE 808s. I was never a big Kanye fan, ever prior to this record, but fuck, I think it's great. I think it's going to be one of those albums that people hate when it comes out (Hi, Pinkerton) and later a bunch of people come out of the woodwork and admit that they love it and then conventional wisdom becomes The

Clearly the top 5 Buffys:

is the very best Buffy episode, ever.

Y'all. I am not lying to you when I tell you that people I work with, educated people, smart, amazing, talented people, love the SHIT out of this guy. And they also like awesome shit like Crank 2 and The Hangover.

Crucial Elements Missing
Yeah, okay, so Fatal Attraction was awesome because of all the fucking. THERE WAS NO FUCKING IN THIS MOVIE. There was the questionable logistics of roofie-date-raping Stringer Bell, but the whole thing is that in order to make these kind of adulterous sexual thrillers anywhere near decent,

If they had wanted to make it really good, they wouldn't have made it.

John Slattery is hotter than Jon Hamm. Fuck yeah, silver fox. I mean, Jon Hamm, with his cartoon pilot good looks is no slouch, but seriously, John Slattery holy fuck man. His wife is one lucky-ass woman, with the Cloons first and now him.

Vacation is so awesome
It is one of my favorites. Despite the racist scene (see also: Sixteen Candles), I fucking love that goddamned movie so much. Sure, sure, there was all that Teen Movie Slumber Party material he did, but really when it comes down to it, I am sad because Vacation is so great, with the family

Oh man The Apartment. I recommend that movie so much to people who've only ever seen Some Like It Hot since I think it's a nice transition to what I consider, frankly, Wilder's better stuff.

This whole Jemma thing
is going to end very very badly.

That was kind of awesome, right? When Eric was like "the bond between the maker and whatever is strong, perhaps one day you'll find out."


Why am I the only person who likes Superstar?

Three things render me powerless to see this movie
I do not expect to pay to see it in the theatre, however, the combo of my vagina, my love for Meryl Streep and On Demand all conspire to make me watch this movie in 6 months' time.

I was just gonna say that - Enchanted is boss as shit, man. I love that fucking movie.

"It is so choice. If you have the means, I highly recommend picking one up."

Lily Allen
God you know she would be the most fun, ever. Kind of trainwrecky, with the good drugs and not afraid to start some shit. I want her to be my BFF.

I think in general, the problem with hanging out with comedians, especially "experimental" comedians and what not is most of them go out of their way to find nobody else funny, ever.

@Take That Guernica