I don't know, Michael Ian Black, while funny, seems like a real prick.
I don't know, Michael Ian Black, while funny, seems like a real prick.
When I was 19, for a brief time, I dated a guy who worked at Radio Shack. He picked me up in a pool hall. He was nice enough, even though he kind of looked like one of the Night At the Roxbury guys. He was funny though, so I had sex with him.
I hate that I need Radio Shack so often for adapters, LEDs, crimpers, whatnot, because every time I walk in there, the doucheknocks working there (all men, by the way), seem to think I'm lost and talk to me like I'm an idiot. No, I do not need Monster HDMI to DVI cables, and yes, I know how to use a soldering iron,…
Hey! We Were Dead is totally good! I defy someone to listen to Parting of the Sensory and not be into it, especially if they liked old Modest Mouse stuff.
That aside, Seventh Sign is THE GREATEST.
I know you, Tara from 90210 who tries to kill Kelly by gassing her in her BMW CONVERTIBLE.
Boy can I not get on board with you about "Restless." I HATE that episode. I get it, foreshadow foreshadow, but seriously, it just seems so hamfisted and dumb that I can't get behind it.
It says something that reddit is blocked but digg is not.
Seriously. I think I spent 4 hours on that site at one point.
HBO's programming
They fucking own my Sunday nights, but seriously, isn't their programming becoming like some hack's standup?
Oh, RSS feed list, how long you are
I mentioned this earlier, I'm pretty much Gawker's bitch - it got a lot better once work started blocking the comments. I used to post a bunch on Jezebel but fucking god those bitches started getting crazy. Now that I can't read the World's Stupidest Fucking Comments the way I…
I am admittedly a total junkie for the Gawker sites, but man I like Deadspin so much better than any other sports blogs. It could be because I'm not really a big sports fan.
Perry Bible Fellowship was pretty much the most consistently awesome comic I've ever read.
Hey, man, Grounded For Life wasn't so bad until they started focusing on that shitty redheaded Scientologist kid. It had whathisface from the ID episode of Freaks and Geeks, and Donal Logue secretly owns my heart forever.
You guys should check out Polish movie posters - for some reason that I'm not real clear on, they had a bunch of local artists design posters for movies that came in - there are some amazing works of art there - I got this one for my husband about 4 years ago:
If I'd known then what I know now, I wouldn't have had my little "accident."
My secret shame: I love Adam Sandler movies. Yeah, like the old stupid ones. I realize this is the purview of fratty dudes, but I can't help it. I will watch Happy Gilmore every single time it is on TV. I even own it.
Leslie Mann irritated the shit out of me in Knocked Up, but I will love her forever for her drunk chick in 40-Year-Old Virgin. That was some blatant-ass scene-stealing right there.
I HAVE heard this! Ed McMahon told me.
I have the most ridiculous piece of jewelry in the world. It is a 24-karat gold pendant of Garfield eating spaghetti (the sauce is RED gold, so I guess that part's not 24 karat) and it says Pasta Power.