Man I rented Stuck a few months back and was surprised at how much I liked it.
Man I rented Stuck a few months back and was surprised at how much I liked it.
Yeah, it's not his birth name, thank god. He is just called Chip because he indeed is a Jr.
My husband called Chip would be sad if he read this.
Spicy Chicken Sandwich is so fucking boss it almost comes close to Chick-Fil-A, which is really just phenomenally good. I don't know what they do to their chicken but it's fuckin' awesome. Their chicken nuggets are so christing good.
Is way, way, way better than Pandora.
A Fish Out Of Water Tale…
It's going to be called "Wooden," which is a tale of a store mannequin that comes to life when a magic accessory is placed around her neck or something like that by some hapless nerd who works in the department store. Except THE TWIST IS that she actually comes to life as a robot named…
Is Newlin the tiniest fellow in the world, or was that the biggest fucking revolver I have ever seen in my life? My brother, the psycho, was contending that it was a .44 Magnum and that Newlin is a step above midgetry, but I don't know, that think looked pretty hoss.
Wedding Music
I had a brunch wedding (I know, what a rebel) so it wasn't really a "dancey" wedding. So we just did all old big band/singer standards and whatnot.
Definitely "You'd Prefer an Astronaut."
Eric and Barry
I really, really, really don't care about the stupid Maryann stupid orgy scene, except for I would like to know where she gets her clothes because she looks pretty much incredible the entire time. Aside from that, the storyline blows.
We thought we were so fucking cool
Working at the Thundercloud Subs. Everyone was allowed to bring in their own music, so it was rotating - I'd bring in old shit like The Who or Rolling Stones, because I was so fucking affected, and the rest of the pothead lake rats in Austin would bring in shit like the Toadies,…
If he dies every 30 seconds in the movie, then I predict COMPLETE AWESOMENESS.
We quote the "drinkin' vine and eatin' chickn" line too often.
Funny, she doesn't look Druish.
Wicker Man Animated Gifs
My dream would come true if I could have an animated avatar of the bear punching that chick. Over and over and over again.
I wish you guys had been around in middle school.
This might be a BIT SPOILERY (not plotwise, necessarily, but character development)
Totally - she's really awful, in that "I was the big star of my sophomore school play in Nothefuckwhere, ID and now I'm makin' it big! Watch me simultaneously be tin-eared and overacty!"
Battery is the greatest. Ever.