So who gets the stuff?
Like, who gets the Beatles' catalog, and who is going to raise those kids? They've finally got a shot at being normal.
So who gets the stuff?
Like, who gets the Beatles' catalog, and who is going to raise those kids? They've finally got a shot at being normal.
My husband is currently obsessed with Band of Brothers, having never seen it before, and now is poppin' like 900 boners for this new one.
You are barkin up the wrong tree then.
Yes, because it would be too terrifically sensible to cast an ACTUAL SCANDINAVIAN as Thor. No, get some guy from fucking Encino or wherever to do it.
Here is my admission - I have read every one of these books after the first season ended. They are silly, trashy, kind-of-written-by-a-literary-five-year-old, but they are incredibly addictive.
I don't like The Wish. I don't like Vampire Willow. In fact, I don't really like Willow at all. Ever. She's just so…irritating, and maybe it's because I got into Buffy years after the show went off the air, but I guess since she was so beloved by the Whedon fangirls, a bunch of nerdy, socially obnoxious girls…
It is like when people complain about Rock Band being stupid and being all "why don't you play the real guitar?"
I'm late to the party but I pretty much agree with everything Charitable Man has said. And as someone who is not nearly as prolific, I see a win-win situation here. And that is either (a) some way of not ever seeing users' posts (that way I CAN actually not read phel's posts) or (b) flagging for off-topic and…
This is going to sound super douchey of me in re: Wheel but when I was telling people (and by "people" I mean EVERYONE I KNOW) that I got asked to audition in Chicago, many people were all " I think I would really own on Wheel of Fortune" and I was, in my head, thinking "yeah, because they're so the same thing,…
I just tried out in Chicago on Monday!
3:00 PM, baby.
oh please please no don't
Ah yes crap, the difference - I meant to say chelada. My conflating the two probably caused the problem.
Yeah for real, the only place I've ever ordered a michelada and gotten tomato juice was in some bar in Playa. Everywhere else, it's ice, a lot of lime juice and a heavy salt rim. Oh my fucking god I want one of those right now.
You guys should hang out with me for free when I'm up in Chicago auditioning for Jeopardy in two weeks. I've donated $10000 to the Human Fund.
Don't forget about fairy blindness!
Big Bang should win an Emmy because the Emmys finally need to be completely and utterly devalued in the minds of every person in America. They've been getting there, but they really need to put the nail in the coffin, and by awarding that unbelievably craptacular show with an Emmy, I think they could make that…
Dude, they're not going to make Pam miscarry. That shit is way too Party of Five for this show.
Alien Nation is so boss that I have the TV series in my Netflix queue.
And having read the book (which, by the way, is totally the kind of book that that hot philosophy major in college says changes his life and makes him want to leave everything and go live off the land and it's all "yeah, that's a real luxury for your stupid white upper-middle-class self, you self-important,…