
This is my new judgment watermark
It is causing much friction at Chez Smack as the ol' husbo thinks this show is too unredeemably uncomfortable, while I find it to be pretty much the most awesome fucking thing on the planet and the new line in the sand that defines people's taste that I can respect.

Spaceman is awesome, he's like the Disco Stu of this show - a one-note name gag that turned into an awesome side character.

Go back to TWoP.

Or the sad Christmas Special David Brent, lurking around the office, harrassing Neil.

I am glad I started watching this show
It has risen in DVR stock from "one of the last shows I watch after being out of town" to "the middle with a bullet."


See also: That Your Mother Jokes thread. God fuck, that was funny.

is the greatest treasure trove of quotability ever.

OH GREAT. You fucking people and your "ooh, let's all be so fucking nice to one another and develop real relationships" are going to turn this place into Television Without Pity.

And I am just restating my twitter from earlier today. In case it sounds like repeatitis.

I agree, Robert. I think what's incredible about this show is its deep ambivalence towards the church. It particularly speaks to me as an inactive member (that whole "being an atheist" thing doesn't really motivate one to go back to church) - ambivalence is the watchword for myself and I think a lot of inactive or

I don't know if the same sex attraction thing is necessarily all that scandalous from the perspective of girls who attach themselves to their best friends - I think there is a sense of limerence in the attachments at that age anyway (timely they just did a writeup of Heavenly Creatures), and there's a weird grey area

I was actually going to suggest Grendel. My vote is for Hunter Rose, as far as accessibility, but the War Child arc would be pretty sweet too.

My favorite is the picture of boulders and "New Zealand…ROCKS!"

Oh awesome
Band Name: "Green Forest, My Home"
Album name: Money Would Be On The Curious
Album cover: http://tinyurl.com/ancw3c

Wow, thanks for the uplift, Sally Struthers.

Christmas Vacation is NOT mediocre. It is AWESOME. Not as awesome as the Original Vacation, but it is the second best of the Vacations.

I also had the experience of being completely captive on a plane, having bought The Da Vinci Code at the airport bookstore, and actually opted to stare at the seat in front of me for three hours than read that piece of shit.

I have to say, that is the raddest affectation in the whole world and if I had a friend who did that I would laugh and laugh all the time but since I don't know your friend, I am going to steal his thing.

I will have to point them out when I see them - so many go by like Fast Sunday, green jello, CTR, Lladro, Relief Society mentions, etc., etc. I don't know if it's something that non-Mormons would even catch, or if everyone knows what Relief Society is, but god damn, if it doesn't remind me of being at my grandma's