
I also found it interesting, and I'm not sure if anyone got this or I am just juxtaposing my LDS upbringing (I'm fixed now, thanks, don't worry, but I have to tell you, as a former Mormon, this show has a lot of insidery callouts and rewards that I don't think your regular person necessarily gets), but after the pomp


Can I be the only one who saw the mention of some other corpse-banging and thought of this? God what a fucked up movie. I do not recommend seeing it the first time you are on mushrooms.

There is a distinct lack of clarity
about the availability of free alcohol.


We spent about 15 minutes on pause going frame-by-frame reading the plaques.


The Beauty Bar in Austin, TX
I think the drummer owns it or is a co-owner of it. At least he used to be when he encouraged me a few years ago to "take all my girls" there when I and some mutual friends ran into him in L.A.

NOFX - Happy Break Up Song

Hamell On Trial
"I'm Gonna Watch You Sleep". It is, pretty much, the most awesome sweet song in the entire world. It captures an attitude that seems really true to my marriage.

I don't know, man. I don't think she lied about it, but it's probably not all good. Although at the same time, the clear parallels they were drawing between Pam and Jim and Michael and Holly were pretty obvious, and I think it would have been really out of character for her to make some shit up about this.

Nick Swardson is the shit, man. I have watched more shitty Adam Sandler Sponsored Films solely because of Swardson than I care to admit. I also believe Brian Regan is really funny and brings the yuks, but I also love Patton Oswalt and Zach Galifinakis.

Hot Rod was the final clinching deal for my passionate love for Bill Hader.

Tell me! What did you think?

The last minute and a half
I think this episode was middling to weak - it was kind of a wrap-up episode with the whole Roman thing (although jesus, Harry Dean Stanton, your gleeful gloaty "look ma, no handcuffs" move makes me hate you and forget your awesome failness in Pretty in Pink), so I was kind of all "whatever

30 Rock is the new Arrested Development
I know because I have to constantly pause and rewind it to get a replay of a joke I missed because I was laughing through it.

The Cramps
They will be forever intertwined with a realization that I was in love with Austin - I mentioned this on the "Great Shows" thread a long time ago, but I saw them play in the mid-90s (96, maybe?) in a great venue that no longer exists, and it was one of the greatest live music moments in my life. He was

I am a firm believer in girls not using pictures of themselves as avatars. It is stupid and camwhorey. Funny nongendered avatars for everyone!

Caleb Deschanel
The greatest of all the Deschanels, and the guy who would be the DP of the movie of my life if I had my way about it.

My husband refuses to watch this show with me so it was just me. Saying no.