I agree. This is funny. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
I agree. This is funny. I wish to subscribe to your newsletter.
I got in trouble in 8th grade math because I had the lyrics of "Sanitarium" written down in my notebook. The teacher didn't realize that it was Metallica and thought I was some sort of crazy person. I guess my meticulous attempts at rendering "Metallica" in the lettering all over the other page didn't clue her in.
I am thinking of ending my anti-traffic boycott and taking a couple days off work to go downtown. I have heard this thing about having free food and beer for just any old dipshit, of which I am one, and am interested in bleeding corporations dry for their promotional beers.
My Fucking Tivo
Screwed me out of the last ten minutes because of the stupid fucking Superbowl trophy yammering Terry Bradshaw John Madden crap. GOD SHUT UP. I don't know why they even do that, the minute the game is called nobody cares, give the stupid trophy off camera.
Ah, LT. The Biggest Mistake Of The Guy With First Draft Pick of The '08 Season.
kebab, you pretty much wrote my entire opinion of Weezer. Blue and Pinkerton are great, except for Across the Sea, which grosses me right the fuck out.
Cancellation Pool
I'll watch it, but I am taking a 3-month under.
My faith in this show would be restored. What little faith I have.
Sometimes I doubt your commitment to Sparkle Motion.
"A great big bushy beard!"
I watch Best in Show every year on Thanksgiving in the off-hours between putting the bird in the oven and making everything else. I drink champagne and I watch that show. My addendum to my "You Are Evil" statement about not loving the Simpsons is "You Are Really, Really, REALLY Evil If You Don't Like Best In Show…
They still don't drink, though. That is a significant deterrent.
I totally agree. It's weaksauce to the max, man. Especially since for the most part, I've felt like they've been working on making Sarah the stand-in for the audience; feeling a sense of love and support for these people, all while realizing that their system is dysfunctional and fucked up.
Someone who doesn't love the Simpsons is a someone who lives in the universe that I see dumb clueless cud-chewing dipshits driving around in their Tahoes and wearing old frat formal t-shirts from '97 and I wonder to myself how on earth can they exist in the same universe as I do, and what their equally dull wastes of…
I got in a near-screaming fight with my husband last night after drinks because he just flat-out refuses to read Watchmen. I tell him "no, look, seriously, it's so good, and it has to be in comic form, it really is nothing like any of the other comics you've ever read, you will love it" and he is just "nope, comics…
I watched this
Because I don't give a fuck about Lost. And also I will cram any stupid procedural into my eyeholes because I am lazy. And the cockknockers took away Pushing Daisies.
Jemaine and Murray
Seriously, I only realized Jemaine didn't have an "r" in it like two weeks ago when I was watching S1 on Demand.
For reals, the flamewars over there would be epic.
There are few things more irritating than Smug UK Office Lovers Who Categorically Refuse to Watch the US Version. Like, shut up, dicknose, we all liked the UK version, but the US is funny too, just a little different.
It's not so bad
I can tell who the camwhores are now.