Man, how you gonna not mention that it's fucking EDDIE IZZARD who's playing that interviewee in Hannibal? I'm really excited about that. Also looking forward to a big rebound for Parks after last week's dud. Finish strong!
Man, how you gonna not mention that it's fucking EDDIE IZZARD who's playing that interviewee in Hannibal? I'm really excited about that. Also looking forward to a big rebound for Parks after last week's dud. Finish strong!
I lost interest in watching TV a couple months ago, pared my viewing down to a precious few shows, and The Americans sadly didn't make the cut, even though I'd been enjoying it quite a bit. Hope I won't be completely lost when I check back in tonight.
He's been a pretty frequent presence in Robb's storyline, though he's probably only been referred to by name once or twice before. He's had plenty of small lines, though only a few which were particularly illustrative of what kind of person he is. He's pretty clearly not an honorable man. He's got a code, perhaps,…
Ahh, I wondered if that was the source of this confusion. Speaking of the books, doesn't Barristan disguise himself for a while in the books so that Jorah and Dany won't know who he is?
Well, I liked the O'Nutters sketch embedded in this article, so I had some hope for this show (even though I'm not a fan of Schumer's), but tonight I watched the pilot and it was fucking dreadful. The 2girls1cup sketch was about as funny as the pun one might use to describe it, and the show maintained that level of…
Well I've never gotten any errant notifications, but I have been having those login problems. That's always happened here sporadically, and it happened pretty consistently for awhile last year, and it's been doing so again lately. Not today, however.
Criticizing this show seems to be accepted. You might only be accused of trolling if you were to compliment it.
Homer Simpson is the perfect synthesis of Bradley Cooper and Zach Galifianakis.
@disqus_P9Puxt6RK9:disqus He did get the pardon, from a kid with weird ears, right before the wine merchant tried to poison Dany; but he essentially threw it away because by that point he cared more about Daenerys than about going home. Didn't really have anything to do with how Ned felt about him.
Barristan wasn't present at that meeting, and I just now re-watched that scene to make sure. Unless he was standing off-camera the entire time, he wasn't there. What he WAS there for was Ned's conversation with Varys while Robert was dying, in which Ned, at Robert's command, attempted to nix the assassination, but…
@EvelKareebel:disqus How odd! Here in the States, HBO is practically the only network that doesn't do the schilling-during-the-credits thing. Would've thought TV in the UK would be better about that, not even worse than here.
It just occurred to me that Barristan was there when Ned told Varys that Robert had had a change of heart about Dany's assassination, and tried to call it off. He totally could've told Jorah or about that during their conversation this week, as a little "for what it's worth" thing. I suppose it doesn't matter much…
I had a very hard time making out the words through the distortion/echo/whatever effect was going on there. Wish I could've; sounds pretty interesting.
And it appeared to feature that same giant, naked, winged lady statue that was in Astapor. Who's that supposed to be?
Don't forget all the flowery lion babies we'll be getting up in this bitch.
Hello, Mr. Worm, may I call you Grey?
He was not prepared for a crown.
I was really surprised he didn't lie, there. If I didn't know better, I'd almost think Roose Bolton had a sense of humor.