Lord Autumn-Bottom

Good point! Withdrawn.

Loved this, and that last answer (not that it was an answer) made me laugh my ass off, but the one about the toker seemed to largely dismiss the guy's issue. I guess that might be fair, if he's just coming from a place of mere non-specific anxiety about it; but if there are actually specific examples about things his

Yeah, the phrasing is slightly awkward/open to interpretation, and nothing else in that letter has any male/female identifiers, but the better bet is that it's a woman asking what to get for her man.

Doubtless she's very affable, and one of the prettiest women I've ever seen, and she was good at playing the minor caricature that was Cerie Xerox, but she does seem to have pretty limited range… though she can probably be written for well enough.

Thank you for addressing the parkour scene; I loved it but it really confused the hell out of me in terms of whether she actually knew the moves he was calling or if he was making things up to fuck with her or what.

Oh! Totally forgot to watch that, thanks for the reminder!

I hate how CC re-airs its shows. They air goddamn Tosh.0 like 6 times a day but they only run Broad City and Kroll Show and Key & Peele like once or twice a week. Argh.

I really loved that creepy fucker locksmith, but I was hoping that it'd turn out to be a thing about deceiving appearances, and we'd later see him, like, working at a soup kitchen or doing some other benevolent thing… even though that might be a little trope-y. So I was pretty disappointed when the tag had him turning

After seeing only two episodes, this series has won me over with startling efficiency. My biggest laugh this week was how quickly Mattie blew the plan at the warehouse. All that time it took to get there, and he torpedoes the operation within 1 second of opening his mouth.

Yup, you're right. Different amounts of comments. And the one with fewer comments has way more upvotes. Huh. Anyway, when I had this problem on Destructoid (where it was more obvious because my name there was not the same), it was totally resolved when I changed my emails and then— OH! I went to the Disqus site and

And now I'm again unable to edit this comment, for some reason. Argh. Disqus!

That does sound like fertile ground for a story; I'll look into that, thanks.

Can't say the video did anything for me, but I enjoyed the song.

Ha! That's actually the conclusion I always come to. Probably gonna be de rigueur in the future. Cameras in our eyes, microphones in our ears. Although, by then, we might be able to just read each other's minds anyway. Or at least lie-detect.

What a horrible way to resurrect a horrible story. And judging from the way he tweets, this guy is far dumber than I thought any relevant fight promoter could possibly be. I think I saw another one of these defensive tweets where he said apropos of nothing that the person tweeting at him (against him) was a very

He certainly presents a convincing case, and there's no doubt that Dylan believes it happened. Since neither party (nor their adjuncts) is likely to ever recant, and there's no evidence either way, it's impossible to reasonably be sure that it happened or didn't. Luckily it's easy for me to shrug off, as I don't know

I guess this is just gonna get replaced by another reality show that occupies several hours of Fox's schedule every week, but this news gets a preliminary "Yay!" from me.

No! You can't make me!

But what if you're a Gemini?

I bet this was just some liber-wrong clown trying to make the righteous and unimpeachable One Million (Totally Not Gay) Moms movement look bad.