I'm glad Nazir didn't stab Carrie in the forehead. #deadspace
I'm glad Nazir didn't stab Carrie in the forehead. #deadspace
I'm glad Nazir didn't stab Carrie in the forehead. #deadspace
There's a show on tv that you actually like! I am stunned.
There's a show on tv that you actually like! I am stunned.
You don't know that.
You don't know that.
@avclub-7ffdecec85e9794909f8b6105828c246:disqus That happened on Grey's Anatomy, right?
@avclub-7ffdecec85e9794909f8b6105828c246:disqus That happened on Grey's Anatomy, right?
It's so funny to me that I almost never notice these things until someone brings them up. Fringe has had some seriously deliberate product placement in its past couple seasons but I've missed almost all of it and only become aware of it from these AV Club comments. I missed the USB stick, naturally; although I…
It's so funny to me that I almost never notice these things until someone brings them up. Fringe has had some seriously deliberate product placement in its past couple seasons but I've missed almost all of it and only become aware of it from these AV Club comments. I missed the USB stick, naturally; although I…
Even now when this season has supposedly gone so off the rails, I enjoy the fact that there are a lot of different ideas about how it's gonna end. There seemed to be a very broad consensus about where season 6 was heading, straight from the first few episodes of the season.
Even now when this season has supposedly gone so off the rails, I enjoy the fact that there are a lot of different ideas about how it's gonna end. There seemed to be a very broad consensus about where season 6 was heading, straight from the first few episodes of the season.
Charlie Sheen doesn't deserve to be in a movie with Bill Murray. Nor vice-versa.
Charlie Sheen doesn't deserve to be in a movie with Bill Murray. Nor vice-versa.
He. And, oops.
He. And, oops.
But Google wouldn't give me the comical response that I expect of AV Club members.
But Google wouldn't give me the comical response that I expect of AV Club members.
Fair enough; withdrawn.
Fair enough; withdrawn.